In response to a message I read about the VCA "rejecting outright" any merger discussions, I have sent the following message to the poster of the message. I feel that anyone should be able to see what is going on, as we get asked all the time "why 2 clubs."
As a personal note, I realize there are likely a few "personalities" that can't work well together if anything were to merge, if I am one of those, I would step aside for the good of the organization (heck this just costs me money and time, I'd love a dozen hours a week back
if I can be assured that the "stuff" of the VCA are in good hands, and frankly, that's our fiduciary responsibility... Message is as follows:
You seem a level headed guy (and I don’t think we have met, for that I apologize). Your post was:
“I am aware of several attempts by the ORG to initiate "merger discussions". I also know that we were rejected outright. I'm not blaming either party, just explaining that the ORG officers have not been standing on ceremony. Most everyone here believes that one Viper club would be best. Getting there is another story.”
I hate to be that guy, but I’m not sure where you heard this, but it is patently false. I had no less than 3 attempts initiated by me with MANY parties on your side, and they were rejected by the ORG outright. John Canal, also reached out. Dan, reached out. John C reached out as recently as a few months ago, nothing came of it.
So please, tell me about all these attempts that I missed? My fear is that you are being fed some of the less-than-factual information about the VCA that seems to be rampant, but you don’t seem the kind of guy who would spread false information if you knew it to be false. If so, that is fine, propaganda has its usefulness, but I hope it is not ACTUALLY preventing some discussion if someone over there ACTUALLY wants to have a fruitful discussion.
We have NEVER wanted 2 clubs, all the people who were “kicked out” were invited back in immediately once the offending party resigned. 2 clubs help no one, if you can help facilitate a discussion that is fruitful (as of last discussion to even HAVE a discussion the VCA would have to pre-agree to transfer all assets, no I’m not making this up. I’m sure where we are today, that kind of pre-condition would not be necessary, but if it is contemplated, I guess we go nowhere).
I’m sure you can see that we have the responsibility to protect the assets and history of the VCA, we do not do this for personal gain, we are just bound by our fiduciary duty to do the right thing for the organization that was started by some awesome people 20 years ago, and just because some idiots made some mistakes, we don’t feel the entity deserves the death penalty, so we all hope there is some middle ground somewhere and we can have an organization that is free from people with their hands in the cookie jar, open, and fun for all, that maintains some of the rich history we have built over decades.
Sorry this is our first communication,
In response to a message I read about the VCA "rejecting outright" any merger discussions, I have sent the following message to the poster of the message. I feel that anyone should be able to see what is going on, as we get asked all the time "why 2 clubs."
As a personal note, I realize there are likely a few "personalities" that can't work well together if anything were to merge, if I am one of those, I would step aside for the good of the organization (heck this just costs me money and time, I'd love a dozen hours a week back
You seem a level headed guy (and I don’t think we have met, for that I apologize). Your post was:
“I am aware of several attempts by the ORG to initiate "merger discussions". I also know that we were rejected outright. I'm not blaming either party, just explaining that the ORG officers have not been standing on ceremony. Most everyone here believes that one Viper club would be best. Getting there is another story.”
I hate to be that guy, but I’m not sure where you heard this, but it is patently false. I had no less than 3 attempts initiated by me with MANY parties on your side, and they were rejected by the ORG outright. John Canal, also reached out. Dan, reached out. John C reached out as recently as a few months ago, nothing came of it.
So please, tell me about all these attempts that I missed? My fear is that you are being fed some of the less-than-factual information about the VCA that seems to be rampant, but you don’t seem the kind of guy who would spread false information if you knew it to be false. If so, that is fine, propaganda has its usefulness, but I hope it is not ACTUALLY preventing some discussion if someone over there ACTUALLY wants to have a fruitful discussion.
We have NEVER wanted 2 clubs, all the people who were “kicked out” were invited back in immediately once the offending party resigned. 2 clubs help no one, if you can help facilitate a discussion that is fruitful (as of last discussion to even HAVE a discussion the VCA would have to pre-agree to transfer all assets, no I’m not making this up. I’m sure where we are today, that kind of pre-condition would not be necessary, but if it is contemplated, I guess we go nowhere).
I’m sure you can see that we have the responsibility to protect the assets and history of the VCA, we do not do this for personal gain, we are just bound by our fiduciary duty to do the right thing for the organization that was started by some awesome people 20 years ago, and just because some idiots made some mistakes, we don’t feel the entity deserves the death penalty, so we all hope there is some middle ground somewhere and we can have an organization that is free from people with their hands in the cookie jar, open, and fun for all, that maintains some of the rich history we have built over decades.
Sorry this is our first communication,