$300.00 \"VALVE JOB\" MoPar Certificate EXPIRES 4/30
Those of you with 2003 SRT Valve Jobs received a $300 certif for your inconvenience. I believe they EXPIRE the end of this month.
I may be wrong, but CHECK IT OUT and plan to pick up something from your Friendly Dodge Dealer...use it or lose it. Since most MoPar parts are VaporWare, it may be valid for routine maintenance items like a spare radiator hose, serpentine belt, Trunk Kit, '04 BOOT (BaackOrder) or ??
Dont waste the $300 ! call Chuck Tator, Bob Woodhouse, John Gastman, and redeem them for SOMETHING real soon!
Those of you with 2003 SRT Valve Jobs received a $300 certif for your inconvenience. I believe they EXPIRE the end of this month.
I may be wrong, but CHECK IT OUT and plan to pick up something from your Friendly Dodge Dealer...use it or lose it. Since most MoPar parts are VaporWare, it may be valid for routine maintenance items like a spare radiator hose, serpentine belt, Trunk Kit, '04 BOOT (BaackOrder) or ??
Dont waste the $300 ! call Chuck Tator, Bob Woodhouse, John Gastman, and redeem them for SOMETHING real soon!