Remember 3 other things:
Lower C.G. = better handling. Period. When you choose a taller aspect tire that is 1.2" taller, you RAISE the car by half that amount = .6 inches. This creates a HIGHER C.G., not desirable in a road-race car, but not too important in a straighliner.
Most folks like the Viper body LOWERED .6 - 1.0 just RAISED it, and filled the annoying tirewell gap with rubber, giving a placebo of a filled tirewell. Instead, lower the car ! Costs only $300 parts + install and a re-alighnment. No new tires or wheels to buy. Better handling, better ride, less $$. Then again, you could do BOTH.
The taller tire = taller/higher gearing, as mentioned. It also results in a speedo error. The rolling circumference of the tire is greater, so the speedo reads too low. You are actually going FASTER than speedo reads by a few percent.
Commercial: PartsRack has the tires at great prices.