My service manual says that its normal for my engine to run hotter than 190, and that normal travel on the temp gauge is up to 5/8 needle travel (~ 2 o'clock)...
If I am sitting at idle and its hot out, with the fan on, it seems the temp will not return to 190...It will at best get to the tick above 190 (approx 1 o'clock)...
For some reason this makes me uncomfortable...Should I opt for a better fan, or the 180 degree thermostat? Of maybe just flush the cooling system and add new coolant and forgetaboutit???
If I am sitting at idle and its hot out, with the fan on, it seems the temp will not return to 190...It will at best get to the tick above 190 (approx 1 o'clock)...
For some reason this makes me uncomfortable...Should I opt for a better fan, or the 180 degree thermostat? Of maybe just flush the cooling system and add new coolant and forgetaboutit???