
Apr 25, 2001
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New York, where else?
September 11. 2001, inarguably the second most tragic day after 12/7/1941, will live on in infamy, as a horrible attack on United States soil came upon New York City at the hands of savage, inhuman, self proclaimed terrorists, preying upon innocent citizens who were trying to make a living on what started out to be a beautiful sunny Tuesday, but ended in darkness, fear, and a living Hell of sadness.
And finally, after nearly 10 years past, the NY/CT Viper Club of America, together with all its national regional counterparts, can do something to honor those First Responders who heroically, and selflessly gave their lives to save as many victims as possible, and who soon became victims themselves and continue to feel pain today as a result of their efforts. Immediately after I pitched the idea to hold this event in the name of the NY/CT Club nearly a year ago to Adrian Byrd, we both began working towards the goal. It’s been a VERY long road, and to make a VERY long story short, and after many ups and downs, we are very proud to present an opportunity for our club to be part of something extraordinary to say the least!
So this is it Ladies and Gentleman, members of this great car club, of which we boast to be the greatest of all clubs. This is the time that we can finally stand up, step up, do something very special, and be part of the GREATEST EVENT in which this club has ever had the honor to participate. We said we would “NEVER FORGET” how we felt that day, and the THOUSANDS of men, women and children who suffered, continue to suffer, died and continue to die, were buried and continue to be buried as a result of those Twin Towers being destroyed by cowardly terrorist’s. Of all the VOI’s, all the Zone Rendezvous, all the restaurant cruises, and any other event we feel is so great, this is THE EVENT that will designate the VCA as the GREATEST CAR CLUB among them all as we give back to those who gave!
And this is how we do it:
Put down all the torque wrenches, lower your lifts, let the race tracks and garages be silent, walk away from the wash bucket and hose, pick up your pen, get out your checkbook or your credit card, move your mouse to the link below, or call Alisha personally and donate, donate, donate. She can be reached at (516) 562-9000 or email [email protected]
Instead of putting all that money into the “Auto-mod savings envelope”, put some of it where your heart is and do something great! I have been with this club since 2000 and I know what we can accomplish! Let’s be honest folks! We've all seen the mod pics, the garage pics, the race event and trophy pics, and the holiday party pics. I know that each and every member of this club will see that RESPONDER RECOGNITION NIGHT is worthy of some of our good fortune. It is important to know and understand that ANY donation amount is welcome, tax deductible, and will receive program recognition!

The following document is self explanatory, but 2 things have to happen to make sure this is done the right way:
1. When you donate, in any way you chose to do so, be SURE to identify yourself as a Viper Club of America MEMBER! And by the way, any friend of a member, who may not be a member, well, their money is as good as yours! I respectfully request that whoever is responsible for putting together the next Viper Magazine, include a page to list the names of all those who saw fit to donate to this event. NOT the amount, but just the names. I will be sure to give that person the list when the time comes.
2. On the day of the event, Friday, September 9, 2011, we want to see a showing of cars. And that means lots of cars. I realize we can only pull from Jersey and the Northeast. I hope to have Decals for each of you to display on your car that day as a show of support. It doesn't matter if it rains, pours, monsoons, or if the earth quakes under those precious tires of ours, please be there! I'll bet you this, there were at least a few hundred people who died that day who were Automobile enthusiasts, and if not for anything else but their memory, let’s put on a show. And if those First Responders in attendance enjoy the show of our cars, all the better. As a matter of fact, ANY Dodge product would be welcome! After all, those Chargers are used present day by the NYC Police.
I humbly and sincerely thank you all in advance for your support and generosity in helping to make this event a HUGE success. My love for New York grew from my Father, Tony Cinque, a NYC Cab driver and I am sure many of you have your own feelings as to why New York has such a special place in your heart, so remember those feelings, and remember how those feelings were torn apart 10 years ago, and remember those who deserve to be honored, for they did the best they could to help our loved ones and they still give of themselves today.

God Bless,

Andrew Cinque
(Andrew2KRT10 on the board, and if needed, feel free to email me: [email protected])

And please understand, this event is ALL ABOUT THE FIRST RESPONDERS ! It was never intended to be about us! We are nothing. We are nobody. We are only there to help, and to humbly show support for these heroes. Sorry to disappoint, but the invite list is not flexible just because we show up with our cars. I just want to be up front about that. As you can see from the details below, the seating is specific and cost money! Thanks again !!!!!!


Tuesday’s Children’s Responder Recognition Night, being hosted in partnership with The FealGood Foundation and the NY/CT Viper Club of America, will be held Friday, September 9[SUP]th[/SUP] from 7:00pm to 11:00pm at Antun’s in Queens, New York. Attendees will include first responders who answered the call on 9/11 and in its aftermath with unwavering courage and commitment. Many are now suffering both physical and emotional repercussions from their time spent at Ground Zero. Their families, as well as supporters and advocates of this community will be in attendance. We anticipate 600 guests to attend this special recognition event. The evening will include a presentation where responders will be presented with a special gift, a sit down dinner and live music.

The First Responder Alliance (FRA) is a program of Tuesday’s Children, a family service non profit organization, has made a long term commitment to every individual impacted by the events of September 11, 2001 and more recently those who have been impacted by terrorist incidents worldwide. Since 2001, Tuesday’s Children has promoted healing and recovery by strengthening family resilience, providing individual coping and life management skills and creating community through programs, mental health support and family engagement opportunities.
In more recent years, we have adapted to the needs of our communities providing advocacy, workshops and counseling to 9/11 first responders. FRA is the only program that provides programming and services for any responder and their entire immediate family. There were almost 40,000 Ground Zero workers including 3,565 firefighters/EMS personnel, 4,000 police officers and over 31,000 construction workers in various trades. Many suffer from physical and mental health issues, including chronic respiratory and gastrointestinal ailments, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety, depression, substance abuse and cancer.

Red Sponsor – Dinner Sponsor $20,000
Red Sponsors will underwrite the evening’s dinner. They will be entitled to a table of 10, prominent signage at the event, receive mention in all event-related publicity and by the event emcee, their corporate logo in the event program and permanent recognition on the Tuesday’s Children website.
White Sponsor – Entertainment Sponsor $10,000
White Sponsors will underwrite the evening’s entertainment. They will be entitled to signage at the event, receive mention in all event-related publicity and by the event emcee and their corporate logo in the event program.
Blue Sponsor – Gift Sponsor $5,000
Blue Sponsors will underwrite the special gift awarded to each responder in attendance. They will be entitled to signage at the event, recognition by the event emcee and their corporate logo in the event program.

ANY donation amount is welcome, tax deductible, and will receive program recognition!

As a leading organization serving the families of 9/11, Tuesday's Children strives to recognize the rescue and recovery workers that gave of themselves in the days, weeks and months after the worst tragedy in our nation’s history. Please join us in recognizing these heroes by purchasing a sponsorship or making a donation. For more information please contact Alisha Feltman, by phone (516) 562-9000 or e-mail: [email protected]. To learn more about Tuesday’s Children or to make a donation, please visit our website at http://www.tuesdayschildren.org/www.tuesdayschildren.org.

Remember: When donating in any way, any amount, designate yourself as a
Viper Club Member!


Apr 25, 2001
Reaction score
New York, where else?
Guys: Please go to the NY/CT Forum site and post if you plan on going to the resturant that night with your cars, we are starting a list. Thanks !


Apr 25, 2001
Reaction score
New York, where else?
Everyone in the VCA: Tomorrow night, watch New york Nightly News with Chuck Scarborough. For Optimum Online users, channel 109 @ 7pm, for Time Warner users, channel 161. There will be a segment on the NY/CT Viper Club's effort with Tuesday's Children and the FealGood Foundation to host the Responder Recognition Night Event on Sept, 9, 2011 !!


Apr 25, 2001
Reaction score
New York, where else?
I woke up this morning, ate breakfast, went to get dressed, listening to the news to hear that President Obama raised 40 MILLION for the "Obama Victory Fund" and this was in NYC !!

Guys, all I am asking for is $20 per member to support this event, for 9-11 Responders who risked their lives 10 years ago on the worst day in at least our generation and maybe the last two generations that we have ever lived through. PLEASE think about this. If the VCA and it's associates/friends raised only 1% over the next 20 days, of what Obama raised in one night, that would be $400,000. And I'm not even dreaming of that ! If we raised .00125%; 1/8 of what Obama raised that would be amazing! That money would provide funding for hundreds of surviving Responders and thier families to lead reasonable lives in light of their sacrifices 10 years ago. Remember, the NYPD, FDNY did not figure on responding to a declaration of war on our own soil that day, but they did their best. PLEASE, I am just asking that we throw a few bucks at this event in comparison to the thousands we spend on our cars all the time. I am no exception. I am writing out the check in the same way that I am asking it from everyone else.

Unless my numbers are off, we have about 3000 members? $20.00 / member = 60K. WOW, that would be great. Half that would be great ! $10.00 per member .... that's less than you spend on lunch at a deli, especially for Adrian!




GO DODGE !:usa::usa::usa:

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