Ran the ACR- fastest lap was 2.03.3 You can find the time at Speed Ventures website for last month at Thunderhill-it was the fastest car there that day-even faster than some ITE race cars-didn't have the CC ready. I ran two weeks ago in the CC at Thunderhill with very similar weather. I ran on 8 heat cycled DOT Hoosiers (very used up)-very similar tire to the Pilots on an ACR. I broke the race record there that day for BP/STO with a 1.55.225. So bottom line- a CC will smoke even a modified ACR. After driving them back to back-they are not even in the same sentence anymore. Both times were with a transponder-so both very accurate.
wow, that's awesome, and congrats on the record lap

was the ACR running slicks of similar size to the CC?