Don't be a bench racer or board poser!FYI its annoying to read about your great modds without seeing a 1/4 time.Why would you modd a viper without knowing the 1/4 results.Like making a cake without the frosting.Your improved dyno #'s don't mean your cars faster.The 3.55 gear mod is a classic example.Hundreds of seat of the pants feel(been there)posts and (next to) none of the 1/4 times to back it up.I changed my sig from the impressive 675rw/845tq to 580rw/650tq(140shot),cause I went faster.How many retail tuners have ET's for their packages?
No flame to Modded Homee's,cause modding is next best thing to a lap dance!Just go run er and finish the job
No flame to Modded Homee's,cause modding is next best thing to a lap dance!Just go run er and finish the job