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You can the find the part number for the Center High Mount Stop Lamp (CHMSL)
In this case it is on page 54, Item # 13, P/N 4642 571 " Lamp Highmounted Stop
It looks like it is not seviceable. Meaning it is a Sealed LED Assembly.
Here is the result from OEM parts for less:
OEM Part For Less
OEM Catalog Item Number 4642571 MSRP $382.00 Price $274.80
Rear lamps High mount lamps
I have not purchased anything thru this site so I have no recommendation. I have been able to get the same prices listed from my dealer with my VCA membership discount.
Good Luck!
A little trivia for the GTS Hi-mount stop lamp. I hand built the first 200 prototypes for evaluation. I still have some unloaded PCBoards. It consist of 30 Leds ( 12 years ago we needed that many, we can do the same light output with one LED now) 4 resistors, a diode and two wires. We sold this for less than 13 dollars. Our customer placed it in the back housing, inserted a reflector, sealed the assembly with a Sneaky Pete Lens and sold it to Dodge for an unknown price. But, over the parts counter the cost of the completed assembly was $415.
Incredible isn't it?