i have done this mod over 4 months ago after reading a post here with a guy putting the straightpipes in place on the cats. notonly was it easy, it was cheap as hell (30 bucks), totally do-it-your self, adds more horsepower over stock or high flow cats, and all the heat is GONE. now i cant speak for the other guys that are saying there cars dont smell different. maybe there cars are unique? mine has a slight but very noticable odor that you would expect it to without cats. some say people behind you will ***** and others say that you could pass out in traffic from the fumes. NO WAY did I experience any of these situations. now if emmisions is a concern for you then you have to go with the cats to pass, in nj i applied for the special inspection exempt sticker so not only didnt the car have to pass any emmission tests but it took NO tests to get my stick. cost 25 bucks at DMV and the Only stipulation is miles driver each year on the car. i think it was no more than several thou, like 7 maybe. i put maybe 1500 year on mine. on later creampuff models i understand that you have to buy the cat sims if you dont want to trip the engine light, on my 97 it wasnt an issue. no light no problems. and car dyno'd 18 more horse to the wheels with out the cats. i am told on the juice is where not having those cats will be most benefial, i will let you all know soon...