Cdn 94 RT10 100 ft times and Sloppy Shifter


Viper Owner
Jun 6, 2001
Reaction score
Leduc Alta
Up in Canada the latest craze seems to be the organized 100-foot shoot outs at a few of the Show and Shines. Keeps the speeds down as well as the insurance costs.

Parking lot elevations was 2700 ft ASL and 75 degs. F. Stock tires that are down to 1/32 for tread left and 35 PSI.
(New ones in the mail)

I have just had my stock 94 RT10 with 23,000 miles, new Arrow Racing warranty rebuild, K&N filters with the smooth tubes place 2nd. I have had the car for 2 weeks and trying to get the hang of launching it with out roasting the tires off of it after driving it only a few other times, these are the times I pulled in order.

3.296 with a 240 lb passenger.
3.164 solo
3.234 solo
3.303 tried a more aggressive launch solo.

The fellow that won was a supposedley a stock 340 Duster with headers and a time of 3.104. There were over 25 cars entered in this category from Hemi Cudas and Challengers, GTO Judges, 440 6 packs and so on.

My thoughts from my limited experience with the car is that I did fairly well but it will be tough to pull under 3 sec. Has anyone else any ideas on where this fits in the Viper World of this odd 100 ft measurement.

I was also awarded 1st place on the best burn out of the day but when the barricade was removed and I was moving the car into position my place was now 2nd place. Oh well that's okay except when one of the girls in the know had over heard the conversation from the sponsor stating that he couldn't afford to buy the Viper tires they had to move to the new winner and I would receive 2nd place and that was a thanks. Live and learn,
next time I will need verification or at least a cap on the dollars they will award or I won't waste my rubber.

On another note I was passing out Viper rides at the end of the day and when I hammered 3rd gear something felt very soft on the shifter. Slowed down and moved the shifter through the gear with
1st going in place and then the shifter would move another 3 inches past the normal position and flop around. Same in 3rd position. Car was still driveable, no unusual noise but shifting was verrryyyyy sloppy to say the least. Will be into my dealer in the a.m. to check this out. My question is it the shifter, bent fork? or what else. I have full Chrysler (360) drive train
Warranty until Dec 2002 so I'm not to concernd on cost (I hope) (Moni shifter is in the car at the moment)

I would like to be at the Viper meeting in Vernon B.C. in mid July so I'm wondering what is Dodge like with parts, warranty and timing in getting these repairs done? Or should I just forget the meeting with the Viper Club and make other plans?


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