I heard the day of their taping that one of the people associated with the Phat Tom Show personally knew one of the members. Anyhow, they just showed up and randomly started to interview Viper owners. One of the great members (Don) introduced me to Phat Tom and he did a "man on the street" interview which has lead us to sponsor his show by advertising on UPN65. We now have a spot on UPN65 (Brighthouse channel 10) and will have spots on Speedvision, Spike TV, FOX News and a few others to boot. Thank you, Don, for the introduction! BTW, I think he was going to interview you, Gary, but I'm not sure what happened or why he didn't get around to it. Everyone (that is able to get the broadcast) be sure to watch Brighthouse Channel 10 @ 10:00PM tomorrow evening.