Chrysler Corp. has pledged $10 million

ACR Larry

Apr 26, 2001
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From my local Dodge Dealer...

Today we begin another week. I am hopeful that this week will bring us better news than the last two weeks. We have seen a nation become united against those that have committed horrific acts of terrorism. Glenn E. Thomas Co. has been through numerous tragic events over the 92 years that we have been in business. We have always risen to the occasion to do our part. Last week, our employees took part in the Red Cross blood drive. We had so many people that wanted to donate blood that we exceeded the amount of available spots for that day.

The owner of our company has just informed me that Daimler Chrysler Corp. has pledged $10 million to help the children who have lost their parents in the terrorist attacks. We at Glenn Thomas Dodge are also doing our part. We will be donating $50.00 for every new vehicle sold from our location. The National Automobile Dealers Association has set up a Survivor Relief Fund. This is where we will be sending our donations.

I am sure that many of you have been holding off on your new vehicle purchase, waiting to see what is going to happen. By putting everything on hold, we are letting someone else take control of our lives. You are the only person that is in control of you. Make each and every day of the rest of your life count and please make sure that those special people in your life know how much they mean to you.


Lisa Prebel
Fleet Manager
Glenn Thomas Dodge
[email protected]

Joseph Houss

Former VCA National President
VCA Officer
Jul 19, 2000
Reaction score
Sure Steve!!

To All our Members,

Your National VCA officers are proud to announce that we are ready to roll out our campaign to collect donations for the Red Cross Disaster Relief Fund!

With the help of JR Thompson, at Viper Headquarters, each donation will be acknowledged, with sincere thanks, AND our official Viper Club Loves America Decal sent to your home.

These decals are designed to adhere to your Snake, but can be removed with the similar ease of racing decals.

Please dig deep into your pockets and write out a check to:

American Red Cross Disaster Relief Fund

100% of your donation goes to this cause! Your National VCA will NOT be using any of your donation for the manufacturing and shipping of the decals! It's just our way of saying THANK YOU!

and mail it today to:

Red Cross Fund
C/O Viper Headquarters
26970 Haggerty Road Suite 100
Farmington Hills, MI 48331

You must be registered for see images

Jeff Torrey

Jul 15, 2001
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Plaistow, NH USA

I hear you. A couple weeks back, before the tradgedy- I had called my dealer to order up Smooth Tubes and filters. I had also ordered a Shop Manual. I did not really feel like spending the money but I had some time friday afternoon and I had ordered the parts.

So I called to see if they could do it, put the Tubes and filters in. They said sure bring the car in. I got the feeling that things have been slow for them. They took me right away and I was in and out in an hour.

I spent 4 hours detailing the Viper on Sunday. I did everthing. The car was spotless.I also put my USA Flag on the back window.

So I went for a ride. People were beeping, waving, smiling. I felt sad for the loss we have been through. I felt angry for injustice that has been done. I felt proud to be an American. I was re-assured that America loves a Dodge Viper. And I cried.

We all have to stick together through this thing. I have a feeling it will effect everyone. What Dodge is doing for the children who lost there parents is great. For me it is the most important place for the money to go.

Thanks guys. You got my business. What do you call that? Oh ya,

Bobby Likis

Mar 30, 2001
Reaction score
Last week, Chris Marshall (Y2KGTS) sent to me a gift of the American Flag, which I proudly placed on the back of my car just above its license plate. Friday I cleaned the car (as I always do after driving it around the block
) so that I could enjoy driving a clean car to my Saturday two-hour radio program. Afterwards, I had lunch, visited some friends, and decided to take a quick burst up I110. I passed a Ford LTD that looked like an unmarked car and, quite honestly, never thought much about it. I ran up to 6K in 3rd gear, eased into 6th and coasted back down to normal speed (70mph or so). I was preparing to exit when (you guessed it) here comes this blue Ford pedaling as hard as it could with lights flashing from its grille and others flashing from its dash. I immediately slowed, and found a safe place to stop on the roadside.

I could see the deputy was calling my tag in so I got out and walked back to his car, which I understand is not what one's supposed to do when stopped by the police, but I usually do. I handed him my license (he opened his door to take it and never did roll down his darkly tinted window).

OK, I'll get to the point. You see I'm a car talk host so I usually talk too much.

The deputy got out and suggested we walk to the front of his car so we could be safe from other traffic and said to me... "I don't want to give you a ticket. I tried to catch you but couldn't. If you hadn't slowed down (I never knew he was coming) you could have easily outrun me. You've got to slow down. I know that car's a hot rod but you just can't drive it that fast around here. By the way... how fast will it go?"

I told him that I'd heard about 180mph but wasn't sure. He handed my license back and shook my hand. That's right... no ticket... not even a warning. WHY? I think it was the American Flag that Chris sent to me! God bless America!

My donation's in the mail for another flag. I'm sure I can find another spot for it on my car.

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