Clear bra questions


Apr 8, 2002
Reaction score
colorado springs, co, usa
I saw some old posts from last year regarding clear bras (using that enlarged search button...hahaha). For the people who have them on, how are they holding up? Any discoloration/peeling? I see a few companies make pre-cut kits. are there any that seem to be better or easier to install? The hood, mirrors and upper part of the bumper seem like they would be easy to install...the curves on the lower front end look tough.

I need front end protection living in Colorado...where "sand" means marble sized rocks and is applied at the first forecast of snow (which doesn't mean its gonna snow) or as the snow is melting after an unforcasted storm...about half of our bad storms are unforcasted. Not that I will drive the Viper in the winter much but the "sand" lays in wait through spring (well we don't REALLY have spring here) and summer for when a nice car is behind a 40 ft semi (drivin in the left lane 20 mph under the limit) to pelt the nice car. I didn't buy the Viper to have it sit but don't want to ruin it either. The clear bra seems like a decent way to go if they hold up.

97 GTS red, corsa exhaust, 5 pt harnesses, titanium brake pistons, coleman rotors


Oct 2, 2000
Reaction score
San Diego, CA. USA
The lower part of the bumper is actually easier than the top part to install. The hood is cake but the mirrors can be tricky. Haven't had it on long enough to comment on the peeling or discolor, but you can definitely see where some major chips would have been but the clear bra took the brunt of the impact.

I used Xpel's kit. They all go on the same way, so I would say one is not easier/better to install, but kits do vary in thickness.

Frank 03SRT

Oct 2, 2000
Reaction score
Somewhere in Kansas
I've installed it on two Vipers, on all the places you mention, from bulk material, because it is cheaper than the kit, I believe. I am very pleased with the results --- big peace of mind. See no discoloration, peeling, or anything yet. Covered the sidesills completely too, and waiting to see what happens, but nothing yet.

Will definitely do it again on my next Viper.

Jerry Scott[CO]

Viper Owner
Oct 7, 2000
Reaction score
Morrison, CO, USA
I have had the 8 mil on my GTS for 5 years and it is holding up very well. The pieces on the underside of the side sills will need replacing this year due to road debris, but the sill paint has not been damaged.

I would suggest that you buy the bulk and cut it yourself. Otherwise you will probably screw up a few pieces in the kit and you will not have enough to finish the job. It does take some practice to get it right. The secret to doing the top of the front fascia is to stretch it around the front, so that it will lay down on the curves.

I bought the 24 in. x 40 yds (part no. 84824),for $830 and split it with another Viper owner. They now have a 24 in. x 20 yd. (84724) roll that cost around $450. Call 877-666-2277 to find the supplier in your area.

A supplier in Salt Lake City said he would sell pieces off the 40 ft. roll, cut to your needs. This company is: Alpha Liner:

To be on the safe side, you will need about 10 yds.

Here's another update: The Denver supplier is now: Interwest Distributors, 303-777-4455. They sell the 84824 (40 yds) for $842.40. They will not cut it to shorter lengths. I also discovered that the 84724 (20 yds) is a 15 mil material, and is difficult to find, since most distributors do not stock it. It will also cost nearly as much as the 40 yd, 8 mil material.


Oct 2, 2000
Reaction score
San Diego, CA. USA
Heat it up before you take it off (don't use a heat gun, I use a hair dryer) and then 3M adhesive remover if there is any adhesive left on the paint.

TorQ Junkie

May 1, 2001
Reaction score
central, il
Where did you get the 3M film in bulk form? The lowest price I have found in my town is $750 for a 20 yard x 24 inch roll. This is for 9mil thickness. I played around with this film for my mirrors (from Invincashield co) and it is tricky. I noticed this stuff on one of the Archer cars on the hood. I'd be willing to split a roll if the price were reasonable.