how long does the stock clutch last on avg? is the aluminum flywheel and kevlar clutch disc a good idea when the day comes for a new clutch or are these upgrades just fluff?
This has been covered pretty well in the recent past. The overall concensus was that the stock clutch was the best performer. As far as clutch life goes, it seemed to be all over the map depending on what your driving habits were like. Do a search for a more in depth representation of the facts.
looked over the posts pertaining to clutches and upgrades, much mixed opinions, most saying the stock was best but factory replacements were not too good, so basically it sounds like when the original goes, its all downhill from there? also mention of a triple or double disc clutch by clutch masters, anyone ever use them?
My stock clutch lasted 12,000 miles on my 99 GTS and I think I'm pretty easy on the clutch. I've run a few road course track days, but no drag racing.
I replaced it with a kevlar clutch and aluminum flywheel and am happy with the results. The car revs a bit more feely now and the clutch is nice and light, engages close to the floor, and is easy to drive like the stock clutch. I guess I'll see how well it wears compared to the sub-standard performance of my factory clutch.
BTW, Dodge covered the labor and I covered parts which I think is a good deal.
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