For those interested in a cyclinder upgrade, we have good useable Gen 3 and Gen 2 cylinder head cores on the shelf. Many folks like to have an extra set so they can keep the car on the road while the porting is done. Gen 3 heads are $750 a set and Gen 2 heads are $650 a set, while they last.

I understand the Gen III head is a 'factory' ported version of the Gen II. Are there flow numbers comparing the two - stock for stock? Or can you point to a site that already has this info?
Will the early Gen III bolt right up to a Gen II car?
Regarding your injector resizing service. Say you resize to the max, 50, do you also 'balance' the injectors and/or document the flow rate of each injector, i.e. the injector that flow 'slightly' more would be place in specific cylinders due to the uneven distribution of air flow from the intake? Is the injector rate you quote, i.e. 50, based on the standard fuel pressure of 42ish; or based on the Viper pressure of 55ish?
It sounds like a GREAT alternative to new injectors; but I just have not seen much info or user comments. I assume I can adjust with the VEC II.
Neal 2002 GTS - Vec II & Nitrox
[email protected]