It was a terrible night at the dragstrip. First run 8.2 @ 89mph (1/8 mile) second run 8.4, third run 8.6. That's when I threw in the towel. I had 100 lbs of dogfood in the trunk and still couldn't keep the tires hooked up (first second OR third). This morning (first really cold AM) I pull out of the driveway and spun the tires. ***? I knew these run-flats probably weren't as sticky as normal tires and that the sidewalls wouldn't give as much, but there's so little traction when cold, it's almost dangerous. I wouldn't dare let anyone else drive the car when it's cold outside (In SC, 35 is cold) Maybe I should park it for the 'winter', or possibly buy a set of non-run flats? It was 75 degrees two days ago and in this area we get some warm weather even in January. Heck, I even had the top down at 9pm Wednesday night! Anyone put non run-flats on their SRT yet? Any difference? Should I be worried about no spare???? Carry a can of fix a flat and a compressor?