Jan 20, 2003 #1 Ron Enthusiast Joined Oct 6, 2000 Posts 2,137 Reaction score 1 Location Indianapolis I know aluminum flywheels require washers under the flywheel bolts, but does the factory use them in OEM steel F/W installations? Thanks
I know aluminum flywheels require washers under the flywheel bolts, but does the factory use them in OEM steel F/W installations? Thanks
Jan 20, 2003 #2 D Doug Supercharged Vipers Enthusiast Joined Oct 2, 2000 Posts 1,145 Reaction score 0 Location Fort Lauderdale, Florida. <u>No</u> washers for the factory flywheel.
Jan 20, 2003 #3 OP OP Ron Enthusiast Joined Oct 6, 2000 Posts 2,137 Reaction score 1 Location Indianapolis <FONT face="Comic Sans MS">Thanks Doug!</FONT f>