Check Skip Barber's web site for the schedule, then call Skip Barber at 800-221-1131 to confirm space.
The 2 day driving school is a great place to start and VCA members get a 25% discount for this program. All other programs are discounted 10%. Remember it is not your car when taking the school. You will need to provide a copy of your current VCA membership card or have membership verified by Fiona or Kim.
If you want to maximize your driving skills I suggest the following:
I Start with Skip Barber
a. 2 day driving school
b. one or more Car Control Clinics
c. Three Day Racing School
d. Lapping days, keep sharp by doing Lapping days
II Autocross
Do as many autocross events as possible is increase car control skills
III Viper Days
Great place to get a lot of track seat time in a controlled environment. The best open track event I have expereinced.
Driving is like any sport training and practice is the best way to improve you skills.