Skip at Viper Days
Viper Days will have a dyno available for use at Gingerman Raceway on June 15, 16 & 17 at Viper Days. Find out what your car is producing!!
This state of the art rear wheel dyno was developed in Australia and the is no driving up those steep ramps to get to the drum and then the tires slip. This system is cool!!
Contact John Archer at Archer Racing Accessories for an appointment. 218-727-4806 The cost is $85.00 for three pulls.
You do not have to be a Viper Days participant to get your car dynode!
This state of the art rear wheel dyno was developed in Australia and the is no driving up those steep ramps to get to the drum and then the tires slip. This system is cool!!
Contact John Archer at Archer Racing Accessories for an appointment. 218-727-4806 The cost is $85.00 for three pulls.
You do not have to be a Viper Days participant to get your car dynode!