Dyno Question


Oct 7, 2000
Reaction score
The dyno will not care what your rear end is. In fact, it will give a read out of your rpm/mph. I dyno'ed mine with 3.55 gears and it was not a problem.

Tom Welch

Sep 22, 2000
Reaction score
Blairsville, Georgia

Rear end gearing should not have an effect on a chassis dyno. The main consideration is that you use 4th gear for your pulls.

Also, a Dynojet dynometer needs about 4-7 seconds to get an accurate reading(or so ive been told)so a taller gear will reduce your working time from start to peak rpm. A 3.73 gear should be sufficient though as we have dynoed drag cars with 5.38 gears with no problems.

Good luck,


BTW, Why are you running a 3.73 gear? Some might disagree with me on this but that gear is too steep. Your car makes more torque than horsepower and does so at a lower rpm band, with a higher numerical gear you are accelerating out of the torque band too fast therefore not taking advantage of what the factory spent millions of design dollars perfecting for our cars(HIGH TORQUE). Also at about 5300 rpms your hp graph will flatten out, therefore revving to 6000 rpms before shifting will also result in a power loss because time has been waisted from 5300 to 6000 rpm and in the subsequent lack of time between shifts out of the top of the torque band which is at 4400 rpms.

This may sound like nitpicking but it is the reason why some vipers are so much faster than others, even though stock.

My advise, keep your car in the torque band as long as possible for the best acceleration. The car is heavy and torque is what will move its mass. I know the gears give a seat of the pants feel, but the win light will go to the 3.07 geared car.

Just my $.02.....no flames intended please!