Eastern IA Autocross Event


Viper Owner
Jun 30, 2006
Reaction score
Bettendorf, IA
(reposting this from the IL VCA section)

This Sunday (10/10) is the last GRR SCCA Autocross event of the year, and they have moved the location to Mt. Joy, IA so it is nice and close! The weather is shaping up to be VERY nice (high of 77) and should be a fun day. I highly encourage anyone with even a remote interest in doing an Autocross in the future to come by and at least watch the Vipers run! (they also allow for in-car guest riders, so you can get some seat time as well!) It is looking like there will be a few Vipers planning on attending (myself, Brandon Beale, John Gayton and possibly Mike Phelps). We would love for some others to show up and make a presence – even if it just to hang out for a bit (no charge for spectators!). Great River Region - Solo 2 Autocross

If you are at all thinking about participating (which we highly recommend), there are coupons we can wrangle up to save you a couple bucks. All you need is a helmet (current helmet, Snell M95 or SA95 or newer) and closed-toed shoes. You can read more about the local SCCA at: Great River Region, SCCA We will help you get your car in the right class and generally make sure you have a great time. Let us know if you think you might want to participate! PM me here on the VCA boards if you need further information!

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