Tom F&L GoR
Tony, I did a similar job, but replaced the radiator (warranty) and so the studs weren't a problem. I'm copying my notes here since there are part numbers others may want to have/see/keep:
I replaced my radiator under warranty. (Poor solder on left tank.) The part number for the radiator that came out of my ’94 is 4709201, which the dealer said was first superceded to P/N 4855123. P/N 4855123 has the same 6 threaded holes to mount the single fan, so it would indeed fit. However, it isn’t available anymore, and had also been superceded. The new radiator, P/N 4855123AB, has 5 studs in the radiator frame rather than the welded-in nuts, and they also aren’t in the same location- so now you cannot use your old fan.
The original fan, P/N 4682529, was an offset single fan with a fairly thick motor. The motor almost reaches back to the front sway bar. With the studs on the new radiator, there is not enough room to get the old fan over the studs, even if they did line up, because of the sway bar. The fix is a new fan (also provided under warranty since the “correct” radiator isn’t available) with a slightly larger, center mounted fan, P/N 4854720AA. You’ll also need nuts P/N 34201358 to attach the fan to the radiator.
Be careful if you’ve replaced the bolts holding down the air cleaner housing to the radiator frame. There is no relief hole, so a longer bolt will make contact and raise the ducting.
And to top if off, the new fan electrical connection is three flat blades; the old fan was three round prongs (same color code wires, though) so rather than go back and find out what to do next, I placed the old plug on the new fan.
The new fan is better – cools it down much quicker, it’s a little louder, and you’ll know when it kicks on because the lights dim! It took me about 4 weeks total to find out about the radiator part numbers, another 2 weeks to get the fan. And only 2.5 hours to do the job. Hope this helps someone down the road.
I replaced my radiator under warranty. (Poor solder on left tank.) The part number for the radiator that came out of my ’94 is 4709201, which the dealer said was first superceded to P/N 4855123. P/N 4855123 has the same 6 threaded holes to mount the single fan, so it would indeed fit. However, it isn’t available anymore, and had also been superceded. The new radiator, P/N 4855123AB, has 5 studs in the radiator frame rather than the welded-in nuts, and they also aren’t in the same location- so now you cannot use your old fan.
The original fan, P/N 4682529, was an offset single fan with a fairly thick motor. The motor almost reaches back to the front sway bar. With the studs on the new radiator, there is not enough room to get the old fan over the studs, even if they did line up, because of the sway bar. The fix is a new fan (also provided under warranty since the “correct” radiator isn’t available) with a slightly larger, center mounted fan, P/N 4854720AA. You’ll also need nuts P/N 34201358 to attach the fan to the radiator.
Be careful if you’ve replaced the bolts holding down the air cleaner housing to the radiator frame. There is no relief hole, so a longer bolt will make contact and raise the ducting.
And to top if off, the new fan electrical connection is three flat blades; the old fan was three round prongs (same color code wires, though) so rather than go back and find out what to do next, I placed the old plug on the new fan.
The new fan is better – cools it down much quicker, it’s a little louder, and you’ll know when it kicks on because the lights dim! It took me about 4 weeks total to find out about the radiator part numbers, another 2 weeks to get the fan. And only 2.5 hours to do the job. Hope this helps someone down the road.