First & foremost, let me say my best friend is a vette guy, I love & respect vettes, they've just never been my cup of tea. OK, that out of the way, I had to share a father / son moment I had with my 17 yr old.
I sold my GenIII and am desperately shopping for a GenIV. So I saw a silver w/black CCW wheels vette vert, with a Z06 body kit & thought, just for a moment, not bad, I could through a maggy on it and maybe it would be fun til the GenV comes out.
So I txt a couple of pics of it to my son & here's the dialog in a nutshell -
F:what do u think of this? pics pics
S:why r u sending me pics of a vette? does it come with a free pinky ring?
F:dude, I'm just thinking about options
S:there r no options, you r a viper guy, always have been, always will b, stop being a ****** and by the car u want and deserve
F:I've never been more proud as a father
S:stop txting me and by a viper for urself, and by urself I mean us lol
I sold my GenIII and am desperately shopping for a GenIV. So I saw a silver w/black CCW wheels vette vert, with a Z06 body kit & thought, just for a moment, not bad, I could through a maggy on it and maybe it would be fun til the GenV comes out.
So I txt a couple of pics of it to my son & here's the dialog in a nutshell -
F:what do u think of this? pics pics
S:why r u sending me pics of a vette? does it come with a free pinky ring?
F:dude, I'm just thinking about options
S:there r no options, you r a viper guy, always have been, always will b, stop being a ****** and by the car u want and deserve
F:I've never been more proud as a father
S:stop txting me and by a viper for urself, and by urself I mean us lol