The way I remember it, it goes like this;
The standard wires in many cars are not made of "wire" at all. They are made of a sort of a conductive, carbon string like thing. Since the spark is high voltage and low current, this carbon conductor works well enough to bring the high voltage to the plug. The idea was add some resistance to kind of round off the edges of the spark pulse waveform. If you round it off you don't get so many harmonics. Harmonics are signals that are produced at regular intervals up and down the frequency spectrum when ever you quickly start and stop a current flowing through a conductor. They used to call this suppressor wire. Some plugs had a resistor in them for the same reason. Those plugs had numbers ending in "R". If you put in performance wires that are made of real wire, you may produce harmonics that you can hear on your radio. A filter might help if the noise is coming thru the power wires. I don't think you will have much luck filtering out harmonics that are in the FM band and entering thru the antenna. All this may be old technology but that's the way I remember it.
What did you do to your Viper to make it need the new wires?
The standard wires in many cars are not made of "wire" at all. They are made of a sort of a conductive, carbon string like thing. Since the spark is high voltage and low current, this carbon conductor works well enough to bring the high voltage to the plug. The idea was add some resistance to kind of round off the edges of the spark pulse waveform. If you round it off you don't get so many harmonics. Harmonics are signals that are produced at regular intervals up and down the frequency spectrum when ever you quickly start and stop a current flowing through a conductor. They used to call this suppressor wire. Some plugs had a resistor in them for the same reason. Those plugs had numbers ending in "R". If you put in performance wires that are made of real wire, you may produce harmonics that you can hear on your radio. A filter might help if the noise is coming thru the power wires. I don't think you will have much luck filtering out harmonics that are in the FM band and entering thru the antenna. All this may be old technology but that's the way I remember it.
What did you do to your Viper to make it need the new wires?