Re: Gasoline smell at startup of \'94 RT-10.
The first time I ever got a whiff of that foul gas smell, the cause of the problem led directly to the chilly I ate the evening before!
In all seriousness, I had the problem for a few years. The consensus was that the float was stuck, thus allowing for gas to seep out on certain occasions. It was Team Viper that suggested that I try the "new cap" before I start the complicated process of trying to make repairs to the float. Well the cap worked, and I have to had the problem re-occur since (except when I eat that **** chilly)!
Since you have a 94 RT10 I suggest you try the cap first. If it does not solve the problem at least you have a minimum investment in the repair!
And Mr. Houss, I know your cooking habits. This all but assures me that the gas smell you sensed in your GTS originated from the same location as the one I refer to above. When all else fails, refer to the laws of the land. Law #1, "never trust a skinny chef"! You know I WIN in that category.