In my years of playing around, I've had motor cycles and cars and I do some restoration work on various machines.. pinballs, jukeboxes..
I used a buffer/compound on all of them. I have yet to find a
suitable do it yourself clear coat that I like.
When restoring motor cycles, I have found that the front forks are
almost always clear coated and it is tough to get that stuff off.
Some parts I just have chromed and some parts I just leave bare and polish them when needed.
The wheels on my viper are not clear coated and I feel that they are shinier without the clear coat.
If my stock viper wheels were to get the "milk look" and Dodge would not help out there I'd just send them in and have them
professionally stripped of the clear coat and polished to a mirror
finish. It would be a toss up to have or not to have them clear
coated again. Clear coat will make them not quite as brite and
shiny as they will be when they are first polished... but clear coat is easier to take care of. Its a toss up.
Chrome would also be an option. A good chrome shop can make those
wheels look great and in most cases they will stay that way...
At least here in Texas... we dont' have salt on the roads during
winter. If I ever get a little fun money I'd like to chrome my
stock wheels... I like the 96-97-98-99 wheels the best and think
they'd look great chromed with those little nuggets between the spokes.