I rec'd a pm a few months ago from a guy we all know here on the forum as 'the new Santa', thanking me for starting the 'pay it forward' thread. He wanted to give back to me! Wow was I impressed when I received these in the mail!!!! 
So THEN I think, ok would be kewl to of course pay back the shipping $ and send him a little something...which I did, a few small Viper diecast to add to his collection. But THEN I check my mail today and WHOAH am I impressed AGAIN!
.....so now I have Sneaky Pete in EVERY room, what more could a gal want?
What more can I say Tim-BO? You are DA MAN!!!!!!

So THEN I think, ok would be kewl to of course pay back the shipping $ and send him a little something...which I did, a few small Viper diecast to add to his collection. But THEN I check my mail today and WHOAH am I impressed AGAIN!
.....so now I have Sneaky Pete in EVERY room, what more could a gal want?
What more can I say Tim-BO? You are DA MAN!!!!!!
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