Hard wiring a Valentine One


Apr 15, 2001
Reaction score
Columbus, OH
I'd like to hard wire a V1 above my rear view mirror. Ideally, I'd end up with a setup that would:

Be hard wired with no dangling cords. Be easily removable for unattended parking. Still retain the option to use it in another car (w/ cig. lighter ok).

Need some advice/opinions on the best way to do this. Wire into power going to rear view mirror? I suppose some sort of quick disconnect connection could be used with another attached to the original power cord for use in other vehicles?

Any thoughts/experiences would be appreciated.


Viper Owner
Feb 7, 2004
Reaction score
After hardwiring Valentine-1s in a number of Vipers, my preference is to mount the Valentine above the rearview mirror (using the stock suction-cup mount, to the left of the support), then run a wire around the inside of the windshield frame, tacking it down with normal clear silicone bathroom seal (it has the advantage that, whenever you may want to remove it, it comes off completely, and if you use the black cable, you can't see it from within or outside the car). Mount the junction box under the dash somewhere, and either get power from an available switched circuit on the fusebox, or tap into the radio power. Pretty simple, actually.

Personally, I don't like the lights to be noticable from outside the car at night (both of my Vipers are/were RTs), so I always buy the V1 remote unit, and mount it on top of the steering column.


Viper Owner
Jan 29, 2005
Reaction score
I did this on my truck and FE. It is very easy. Just like what Randy said, use a black phone cord so you don't see it from the outside. Make sure you get your power that when you turned off your engine the V1 will also turned off . I don't remember what color wire I used. You have to use a volt meter to do this. Then run your wire under the A pillar and use some clear silicone to the windshield going to your mirror.
(get a 18-22 gauge wire and run it down the pillar to fuse box below. It will be easier to full the phone cord under than starting from the top).