Hi folks. Remember a while back (slightly after the tragic events of Septmeber 11..) when Ed "Double Venom" Combs offered up a patriotic themed super special viper paint job? Well, I was quickest to the keyboard with a "Pick me, Pick me" note. Over this winter, HER ASP will be transformed into a Stars and Stripes paint masterpiece. But, I need your help.
I have been brainstorming for the past month or so, trying to come up with ideas. They have run the gamut - from very simple, to elaborate fades from the blue and white into a flag and back again - with and without airbrush work, etc... I am now totally confused. Originally, I was thinking about a boldly graphic rendition of Old GLory - in Red, SILVER and Blue - all with heavy metallic content. (I am not a big fan of white metallic, AKA Pearl...) - basically something that Captain America would drive. Or as a friend of mine said - Wonder Woman - bless him
But I am open for suggetions and you folks have done some of the most amazing things with Vipers and Photoshop or drawings or whatever, I am asking to pick your collective brains and look at ideas. I would love the VCA board to be involved in this entire process, maybe even voting on an overall design winner. I'll bet I can convince Ed to keep us posted as the job progresses. The VCA is a great club and it would be kinda cool to have a car that the VCA designed.
Ed says I am limited only by my imagination and his skill. Based on his other works of art, I am sure my imagination is the limiting factor, here....
Please post your ideas, pictures, thoughts, colors etc and help me give Ed a design that he can be proud to paint. I am open to any and all suggestions - just no copies of anyone else's car.