Dr. Roof,
Here are my thoughts. I just put the 1996 GTS up to be sold. I had been driving it kinda daily for about 6 months. While it certainly didn't have the power your car does, it was a bit of a spectacle in its own way. I had mostly just exhaust work done on the car.
Going to the SRT, I have noticed some things.
Initial response was that the SRT had no "soul". Couldn't quite put my finger on it, but in a way it almost felt too civilized. (Probably the fact I was still in break in didn't help)
Visibility is pretty bad, but you get used to it. I find that you sit lower in the car and in some ways it's harder to see where the nose of the car is.
The seats are GREAT- very supportive and helpful in high G cornering. Power steering pump / fan combo takes a bit to get used to, more vibration / hum is transferred into the wheel that I like, but hopefully it will prove to work well. It's been darn hot here lately, and I had one instance of the car getting hot. I think it just had an air bubble in the cooling system that had to "burp" itself.
The car is HOT - side sills hotter, but my car had high flow cats. Harder ingress and egress as the sills are wider. Us short legged folks will have the mark of the snake a couple times on our calf.
As far as the looks go - I LOVE IT. It's grown on me to the point that when I am out somewhere, I just love walking up to it from about a 3/4 rear view. The curves that D-C put back into the car as a late change made a huge difference. The car looks like a tight skin has been stretched over REAL muscle.
As I have been driving the car, it has grown on me. It's a better car all the way around. And since I'll be using it year round, the improved handling is something that I can't do without. The convertible aspect is great - something I'll appreciate more when it's not 98 degrees with 90 percent humidity. (Hurry up, fall!)
The feeling you get when you are driving the car is that of absolute confidence that the car willdo what you ask it to. The car is so firmly planted and it handles so well, it's almost uneventful. In the Gen II car, it was always like you were "asking" the car to do stuff and you knew that at any given moment you could take the car too far past it's comfort zone and get it a bit loose. Personally, I liked that aspect and I think that's what I miss. I know you can't have it both ways, so I'll be happy with the performance, but I'll still miss the more raw, more "difficult" handling. I think that's one of the reasons (coupled with the high percentage of current Viper owners having SRT's) that you haven't seen / heard about more being wrecked in the early months of ownership.
It's been a tough call to get rid of the Gen II, and if I had unlimited resources and time to keep everything up, I wouldn't. But ultimately, the SRT is a better car - all around - and will suit my purposes better.
PS - can't wait to get a roll bar and take this thing out on the track - it should make even ME look competent.