Re: Hot Ford Gt #s\' in latest CnD issue
And that extra power would have shown up on the R&T times as well.
Good point also, weird that the recent test showed such a large difference in 1/4 and mph, Ford might still be working some things out so maybe the previous test were done with models that weren't tuned fully etc, maybe the real version that will be released will be the underrated one C and D got
Then you have the vid of Jeremey Clarkson testing it and being shocked at the brute power from his expressions and remarks on it and thought they might have over done it on the power equation lol, never really seen him do that for any other car. Maybe he got a hold of the one Car and Driver did

. I mean hell, he said "I think I wet my pants", never did he say that for any other car, thats good enough for me LOL.
A little off topic, but I'm sick of the reviews most mags and shows get on cars like the Viper, Vette, Cobra. Did anybody happen to watch Hot Rod TV on the speed channel recently? They need to put the crack pipe down, they compared an STi to an 03' Cobra and managed to pull a 13.8 in the 1/4 for both cars and proclaimed the Sti for no apparent reason, I didn't even see them release road course numbers for either. ***, you have to be a complete *****, launch in 2nd, go right to 5th to even try to run a 13.8 in a Cobra, we ran 12.7 at 112 mph in my friends when it was stock and that was with only 2 runs at the track on his first outting with the car.