Hi Guys,
Regarding the occasional, and only on some cars (but not ones with our blower kits ?) hiccup / stumble, it's not something we're dismissing or brushing under the table. It's extremely odd.
Jason Heffner was one of the first tuners to use the VEC2 for an application other than our blower. They've purchased many, yet some cars exhibit this phenomena while others do not. For example, he was tuning a customer car that had one of our our blower kits on it and the car was running fine. So, he decided to take that VEC2 and harness off the customer car and put it on a car he had there with SC or turbo that was experiencing the hiccup / stumble. The problem stayed with the car, even though the VEC2 was changed from the other car. When swapped back, the car with our blower ran fine still. We've tested a few for him here as well and have never been able to get this phenomena to occur. We've heard about it a little more (as read above) since we've sent out about 75-80 VEC2's as stand alone units, but to date, there still doesn't seem to be a correlation on what it is. We've done logging as well.
This reminds me of what we went through when developing the first Supercharger kits. We'd have something going on that would finally show itself through the same thing happening to a number of cars. That's how we found out about the stock injector connectors causing problems (which is why include new ones with the Supercharger kits) and the ground problem with the cars. In time, we will see what is going on here as well. If it's something we can fix with the VEC2, we will update the system and take care of it. If it's something to do with the cars, we'll make the suggestion to make a modification (to the car or the program) in the VEC2 manual / troubleshooting guide. Meanwhile, we'll keep listening and looking into it.