Dec 21, 2003 #1 C carguy07 Viper Owner Joined Sep 24, 2002 Posts 2,310 Reaction score 0 Location Cuyahoga Falls, OH, USA I know you don\'t have these yet.
I know you don\'t have these yet.
Dec 25, 2003 #2 S SSSSE YA Enthusiast Joined Nov 1, 2000 Posts 3,802 Reaction score 1 Location Simi Valley, CA, USA Re: I know you don\'t have these yet. Look at the price, I will never have them..
Dec 26, 2003 #3 R RedEnuf93 Enthusiast Joined Feb 14, 2002 Posts 2,591 Reaction score 2 Location Lancaster, PA Re: I know you don\'t have these yet. ARTWORK ????? I have a 2 pound hammer too. I can save about 650 bucks!
Re: I know you don\'t have these yet. ARTWORK ????? I have a 2 pound hammer too. I can save about 650 bucks!
Dec 28, 2003 #4 S snake dreams Enthusiast Joined Mar 11, 2002 Posts 82 Reaction score 0 Location Littlestown, PA Re: I know you don\'t have these yet. Figures that in both of them it's the Viper driver's fault, I think they're saying something about you guys!
Re: I know you don\'t have these yet. Figures that in both of them it's the Viper driver's fault, I think they're saying something about you guys!
Dec 29, 2003 #5 O onerareviper Enthusiast Joined Jul 18, 2001 Posts 2,457 Reaction score 0 Location Pittsburgh, PA, USA Re: I know you don\'t have these yet. Yep. They're saying the Viper is sooo much faster, you can't help but ram it up the lesser cars ****.
Re: I know you don\'t have these yet. Yep. They're saying the Viper is sooo much faster, you can't help but ram it up the lesser cars ****.
Dec 31, 2003 #6 B BadVenm Enthusiast Joined Apr 2, 2003 Posts 594 Reaction score 0 Location Leawood, Kansas Re: I know you don\'t have these yet. These must have been made buy a Viper hater! Why's it always our fault?
Re: I know you don\'t have these yet. These must have been made buy a Viper hater! Why's it always our fault?