Step by step.
A pair of pliers will squeeze the factory clamps together, they will latch in the open postion(watch your fingers!)
remove small hoses from each end of the airbox(hose on pass. side requires pliers to squeeze the clamp)
Carefully remove the connector from the air temp sensor. It has a small tap that you lift with your fingernail while pulling gently. MAKE SURE THAT THIS IS CONNECTED BACK TO THE AIRBOX BEFORE RESTARTING ENGINE OR YOU WILL HAVE A CHECK ENGINE LIGHT!!
Air box now will come off by turning the 3 knobs with your fingers. The lower center knob has a sleeve that may drop if you don't keep your finger on it.
Take box unclips(easy to do) and comes in half. Remove the factory filters and install the K&N's(if the k&n's are white in color they will need to be pre-charged with oil that comes with them. If they are pinkish in color they are ready to install. They will only fit one way. Put the box back together. Now is a good time to clean and armorall the airbox.
remove the rubber tubes and replace them with the smooth tubes. The smooth tubes should have a angular cut on one end. THAT END FACES THE ENGINE, TUBES SHOULD FACE SLIGHTLY DOWN IN FRONT. Clamp them to TB's. Install airbox, slide tubes onto airbox and tighten clamps. Re-install the two small hoses and air temp sensor wire.
You are now done. You can check/change filters by simply loosening the 3 knobs, lifting up on the box while unclipping it in half.
Good Luck,