I am pleased to say, as of this morning, we, the website committee have completed the "rebuilding" of the policies of the website! I want to thank ALL of the members of the committee for their logical, systematic, and open approach to all the feedback that was discussed between our committee, as well as the many members, and officers, that offered suggestions to this task.
To keep things "by the book" I will link to the appropriate Forum and we will be posting one topic for each new group of Policies.
There are many new features that will be initiated on the new software (that's the next step...stay tuned!), that allow much better filtering of registration information, and allows many more options for displaying posts (even one that allows you to display all topics as one thread...like the original old software did), security of e-mail address, and much, much, more.
Please take a look at the policies, and enjoy this new, more logical description on our methods of keeping www.viperclub.org the #1 Viper related website, that respects all, and keeps everyone entertained, yet abides by a "PG" content criteria.
To keep things "by the book" I will link to the appropriate Forum and we will be posting one topic for each new group of Policies.
There are many new features that will be initiated on the new software (that's the next step...stay tuned!), that allow much better filtering of registration information, and allows many more options for displaying posts (even one that allows you to display all topics as one thread...like the original old software did), security of e-mail address, and much, much, more.
Please take a look at the policies, and enjoy this new, more logical description on our methods of keeping www.viperclub.org the #1 Viper related website, that respects all, and keeps everyone entertained, yet abides by a "PG" content criteria.