Is this the SRT as defined by Webster?


Mar 29, 2002
Reaction score
Houston, TX
I think we have a winner!!!!

ug·ly Pronunciation Key (gl)
adj. ug·li·er, ug·li·est
Displeasing to the eye; unsightly.

Repulsive or offensive; objectionable: an ugly remark.
Chiefly Southern U.S. Rude: Don't be ugly with me.
New England. Unmanageable. Used of animals, especially cows or horses.
Morally reprehensible; bad.
Threatening or ominous: ugly black clouds.

Likely to cause embarrassment or trouble: “Public opinion in both nations could take an ugly turn” (George R. Packard).
Marked by or inclined to anger or bad feelings; disagreeable: an ugly temper; an ugly scene.

n. Informal pl. ug·lies
One that is ugly.



Apr 26, 1999
Reaction score
Overland Park, KS
Main Entry: re·dun·dant
Function: adjective
Etymology: Latin redundant-, redundans, present participle of redundare to overflow -- more at REDOUND
Date: 1594
1 a : exceeding what is necessary or normal : SUPERFLUOUS b : characterized by or containing an excess; specifically : using more words than necessary c : characterized by similarity or repetition <a group of particularly redundant brick buildings> d chiefly British : no longer needed for a job and hence laid off


Mike Brunton

Oct 3, 2000
Reaction score
N. Andover, MA

There is nothing I could hope to add to your eloquent post! You hit the nail on the head. We all know where the disgruntlement is coming from...

King GTS

Nov 5, 2001
Reaction score
Houston, Tx.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>
Originally posted by Y2K GTS:

"I could care less about the debate itself but I won't resort to insulting other Viper owners because I don't like their car as much as mine."

Therin lies the quandry friend. <u>He's not insulting other Viper owners. He's insulting the styling of the SRT</u>. Some are getting their feathers all ruffled over a car they don't even own! A car that's not even built yet, a car that they've never waxed, washed, taken out on a Saturday night, or driven. A car that's not in their garage and a car that's not even theirs! If that's not classic irony, I don't know what is. The new SRT to some, is an insult to Viper heritage. Some are so disappointed and disgraced & the only release they have is this board.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>
Originally posted by Y2K GTS:

"The SRT/10 is not ugly, and I would bet that even the SRT haters would largely agree."

I've got to disagree with you 100% here. The SRT is ugly and ugly really isn't the word, but more to the point, all SRT haters would definitely agree with that. That's the 1 thing that bonds all the haters. We all think the car is repulsive. If we wanted any of the 5-6 cars that it looked like, we'd go out & buy them. If you weren't a Viper owner, I wouldn't be saying this. if you were a Supra owner or Vette owner, etc.. I'd definitely be siding with the SRT! Exactly like I did on the thread "Z06 against SRT 10". Then we have to show a unified front IMO. But your a Viper owner. (A sweet looking Viper I might add
) You've got instant credibility with me because you have a GTS!
You had a good post but I just didn't agree with all of it. Some but not all.

I think 1bad gts summed it up quite well.........

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>
Originally posted by 1bad gts:

"We get Corolla Engineers, Ford gets the people who engineered a Legend (THE CURRENT VIPER)

No Flames Y2K. No Flames. Just MHO.


Apr 26, 1999
Reaction score
Overland Park, KS
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>
Originally posted by Y2K GTS:
"I could care less about the debate itself but I won't resort to insulting other Viper owners because I don't like their car as much as mine."

Therin lies the quandry friend. He's not insulting other Viper owners. He's insulting the styling of the SRT. Some are getting their feathers all ruffled over a car they don't even own! A car that's not even built yet, a car that they've never waxed, washed, taken out on a Saturday night, or driven. A car that's not in their garage and a car that's not even theirs! If that's not classic irony, I don't know what is. The new SRT to some, is an insult to Viper heritage. Some are so disappointed and disgraced & the only release they have is this board.

Trey, all very good points. However, what if I were to say, "Gee, that Sapphire Blue is the butt-ugliest color I have ever seen on any car. They should call it "AMC Pacer" blue, as it is an insult to Vipers everywhere. Obviously they were desperate to recreate the popularity of the original '96 GTS blue, but they failed miserably. God forbid anybody should add silver stripes to that mess. And custom wheels would make it look like a polyester **** all the way." Now I don't own a Sapphire Blue Viper. Don't drive one, wax one, or have it in my garage. Nobody in our club has custom wheels either (besides factory variations). Would you be offended if I made such a post, even though it was not "directed" at you? Would you, beneath that manly physique, be just a little bit hurt? I suspect so.

If you were not aware of it, ALL SRT/10 orders required a deposit. That means that every one of these people has a vested interest in that car. It may not be in their garage just yet, but they have put hard-earned money down to own it. Everybody is entitled to their opinion. I would encourage discussions on IMPROVING the looks of the SRT/10 - it's called "constructive feedback." Mind you, the design is very much set in stone at this point, so if you think the barrage of insults (nothing constructive about them) will change things, go over to and insult the lack of a 600HP Supra and see if they build one as a result. Oh, and "an insult to Viper heritage"? Hardly. I can't imagine you have seen this car in person, tooling around the track or streets, which some folks have. Perfect it may not be, but rest assured that as it passes you on the track and the strip, you will wonder why your car doesn't have more "Viper heritage".

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>
Originally posted by Y2K GTS:
"The SRT/10 is not ugly, and I would bet that even the SRT haters would largely agree."

I've got to disagree with you 100% here. The SRT is ugly and ugly really isn't the word, but more to the point, all SRT haters would definitely agree with that. That's the 1 thing that bonds all the haters. We all think the car is repulsive. If we wanted any of the 5-6 cars that it looked like, we'd go out & buy them. If you weren't a Viper owner, I wouldn't be saying this. if you were a Supra owner or Vette owner, etc.. I'd definitely be siding with the SRT! Exactly like I did on the thread "Z06 against SRT". Then we have to show a unified front IMO. But your a Viper owner. (A sweet looking Viper I might add ) You've got instant credibility with me because you have a GTS! You had a good post but I just didn't agree with all of it. Some but not all.

I really don't think you have seen it in person or running. It is NOT as exciting as the current GTS, IMHO. Take one look at it and tell me how you could put stripes on it - you can't unless you want that goofy-looking Camaro setup. Does that make it ugly? Nope. Is the S2000 ugly? Nope. Camaro? Nope. They just lack the excitement that the current Viper has. Repulsive? Not even close. When you see it in person, squat down and look it dead in the "eyes" (which is one of the better views of the current Viper). It looks pretty darn good and definitely says "VIPER" all the way. I will bet you dollars to doughnuts that when you see a black SRT rolling by you will say to yourself, "You know, that's not half bad..." Would you choose it over your current Viper? Probably not (okay, "NFW" in your case
). Mind you, it will never be as stunning to you and many others, but ugly it ain't.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>
I think 1bad gts summed it up quite well.........

Originally posted by 1bad gts:
"We get Corolla Engineers, Ford gets the people who engineered a Legend (THE CURRENT VIPER)


It's funny, because when I read this part of the article I absolutely cringed. Like you and many others (lovers and haters alike), I simply could not fathom putting the Camry/Corolla guy in charge of this design. It still makes me wonder what some people were thinking, just in terms of the "mission" of this car. As a designer of bland passenger cars, he did an AWESOME job with this car. As a sports and muscle car lover, he could have done better. I would be the first to say that there could be improvements on it, as with any car out there - including the GT40. Nonetheless, the SRT/10 will sell like hotcakes, it will probably have a wider audience (look for female buyers to triple), and the performance numbers will blow people away.

The people that bought the '67 Corvette with the 435HP 427 were probably not the same people that bought the 1977 Corvette with a 180HP 350 (yes, <u>180</u> horsepower). Yet they sold some 50,000 of them in 1977 (as opposed to less than half that with the '67). Do you think the guys with the '67 Vettes (or 2002 Z06's for that matter) are posting what a pathetic car the '77 was? Of course not, because there are OWNERS of those cars out there that take great pride in their cars, even with 180HP. As fellow Corvette owners, they understand this. As fellow Viper owners, I would only suggest you cut some slack to the other owners on this board.

Bottom line: Every insult is a jab at a current Viper owner that has money on one of these cars - and there are a lot. There is no real constructive criticism, just "your car *****" posts. Again, you wouldn't be happy with people insulting the attributes of your car, so why should these people be happy with you? Imagine the chasm you would create if you said, "All Gen I cars are ugly. Those plain smooth hoods, lousy windows (if they have them at all), and dated-looking rear ends. Glad I went with a GTS instead." Can you IMAGINE the uproar you would create? Would you really consider such a callous insult with fellow Viper owners? I can't imagine you would, and the SRT/10 is NO different. You have over 1,500 SRT owners out there that just haven't taken possession of their cars yet. Please consider that when you post.

<FONT COLOR="blue">Disclaimer: No flames whatsoever. Not even a spark. I LOVE Sapphire Blue (my #1 choice of colors if I could do it all over again) and custom wheels. I also think that Gen I cars rock and would love to buy the yellow one in my garage that I am babysitting for a friend. If only I could afford it...</FONT c>



Mar 29, 2002
Reaction score
Houston, TX
Your post voices my thoughts exactly! Although everyone here knows we dont like the SRT, I never want DC to think that it has grown on us because we have become silent. I truly believe it is the squeaky wheel that gets the oil. Therefore, redundant or not, I will continue to voice my opinion. I also hope that my fellow "whiners" continue to do the same. Dont all of the SRT fans think that most of us whiners wish DC made a car that we would want to buy? As far as insulting fellow viper owners. I have made it very clear that that is not my intention. However if my negative thoughts do negatively impact the ownership experience of the new car, I am sorry. That was never my intention. You can blame the large majority's negative thoughts and opinions on DC's choice of designers followed by their choice in adopting the current design. My feelings as well as many others on this board are a direct derivitave and by-product of DC's mistakes. Please re-direct your complaints to DC. I do feel that there continues to be a need to voice my opinion as redundant as it is. Maybe then, a by product will be a street legal version of the competition coupe or something even better.

By the way, I think websters definition is right on!

King GTS

Nov 5, 2001
Reaction score
Houston, Tx.

You're funny as He!!
I was CRYING on your AMC pacer blue analogy!!!! Crying!!!!!

I think I've met another Mike Brunton! Mike & I usually agree to disagree <u>agreeably</u>.
I respect every one of his posts! Every one of them. And more importantly, his right to post them. But we tend to disagree where the SRT is concerned. Would I be the 1st to buy him a beer? Heck ya! Would I stand by him side by side if a non-Viper owner was trashing his SRT at a local hang out? I'd throw the 1st punch! But after we beat the crap outta the crowd, I'd still say, "Mike - What the He!! do you see in this car!

Excellent last Post Chris. After your analogy, I find myself speechless & I usually always have something to say! Very funny! I disagree with most of your post, but agree with you in some areas too. Hope you can say the same.

AMC pacer blue.


Oct 22, 2000
Reaction score
Miami, Florida, USA
Hey Chris, I thought your post made for pretty good reading but as someone with an SRT on order I can tell you that I'm not at all insulted by the negative SRT comments I've seen...I may have even posted a couple....

It's all a matter of perspective, but I take most of the anti-SRT postings as being made by frustrated, fellow Viper owners with a mindset, deep down, of constructive criticism about the body lines of the new car (and some of us don't get the vertical gauge "improvement"--why should I want to take my eyes off the road and look down at any gauge?--but this is petty compared to the restyled exterior). Most of the anti-SRT folks certainly wish for a Gen III that they could love, not hate.

The childish dreamer in me keeps hoping that someone fairly senior at Dodge reads some of these many negative posts, looks at the SRT, has a lightbulb flash above his/her head and actually says, "Hey we've done great things with the Gen III in so many ways EXCEPT for the physical exterior of the car...maybe we should really re-think it? Maybe the marketing and accounting folks that said we should redesign the old Viper body so that we maybe can go from 2% to 6% female ownership* have forced us to really badly miss the boat by changing from a body style that many LUST FOR to an exterior merely TOLERATED by those who want the Viper's performance. After a 2 year burst of excitement, sales may fall off a very, very steep cliff...and we've got significantly greater manufacturing capability for SRTs so, hey, this would be a bad business decision! Maybe we should re-style, re-tool, even keep the expensive hood. I'll bet with a great exterior and outstanding performance, we can even charge ten grand more to account for the hood and bring out a hot car in 2004 when there's no more luxury tax! Let's try to market the SL500 to more women instead."

Of course, I might have more greater odds of success when buying a lottery ticket.

I'll admit I changed my order on the SRT from red to black with the hope that black does a better job of masking some of the new vehicle's lines. I do have high hopes for performance of the SRT and, living in Miami, I like the idea of a functional convertible, and the clincher was a local dealer offering to take VCA members' SRT orders at a small sum over dealer cost which led me to pluck down a modest deposit. Of course, I'm also looking to sell my '00 and buy an '02 GTS which I consider to be the last of the genuine classic, in a perverse way, my hat's off to the executives at DC who figured out a way to sell me two more Vipers this year. If I really can't stand to look at my SRT, I can always sell it or cancel the order outright if I feel the final version just can't turn me on. I'm just praying that Dodge or DC execs somehow see the light. Lastly, Chris, don't be so ******* yourself, silver on black is an awesome color combo.

*female ownership numbers are fictitious


Apr 26, 1999
Reaction score
Overland Park, KS
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by SmokinV10:
Although everyone here knows we dont like the SRT, I never want DC to think that it has grown on us because we have become silent. I truly believe it is the squeaky wheel that gets the oil. Therefore, redundant or not, I will continue to voice my opinion. I also hope that my fellow "whiners" continue to do the same. Dont all of the SRT fans think that most of us whiners wish DC made a car that we would want to buy? As far as insulting fellow viper owners. I have made it very clear that that is not my intention. However if my negative thoughts do negatively impact the ownership experience of the new car, I am sorry.

When you oil the wheel and do everything else to make it better and it STILL squeaks, you either ignore it or replace it. With all due respect, your repeated opinion is now largely ignored simply because it is already known. More importantly, there are probably five people lined up to "replace" you as a potential buyer. When the performance numbers come out, expect the demand to double. So, should DC retool an entire line at the cost of millions to make one guy shut up (or even 50 guys) when they have 10,000 that want this car? As a businessman, I can most definitely say "no".

As far as insulting fellow Viper owners, how could you NOT insult them with some of these posts? Should these guys that have worked their butts off to buy these cars enjoy the extended Webster's post? Once again, let's try the "shoe on the other foot approach": "The 1999 GTS is the worst Viper ever produced. I heard Fidenza makes their flywheels out of balsa for weight savings and the longetivity of Urkel with Traci Lords (that one is for SoCal). If I was going to change gears I would go with a manly 3.55 or better. I heard that Corsa is for those folks that are too sensitive for a real muscle car sound." Now Smokin, this wasn't directed at you at all, just some opinions that are floating around. I am sure it doesn't bother you.

The design of the SRT/10 is set in stone. If sales drop in 2004 (2003 is already sold out), then that will be the motivating factor for changing it down the road - not a few squeaky wheels that have long since been tuned out. As to the coupe, I want one as bad as anybody. Perhaps you should focus your SRT insults (which serve only to hurt fellow Viper owners at this point) on demand for a coupe instead. There is no insult in that and is more likely to be listened to anyway. Heck, start those kinds of posts and I will be the FIRST to post a reply - "ME TOO!"


PS to Trey: I am buying a lot of beers in Nashville this September. If you are going (and I hope you are), consider at least one round on me. We can talk about your Polyester **** and why it happens to be my own dream car (but don't tell anybody I said so).

And a PS to Jeff: The SRT is here to stay in its current form unless sales really do fall off a cliff. They won't. The car has more "mass market" looks as we all agree (which isn't necessarily good) and better performance numbers. The push now needs to be for a coupe to join it in 2005 or so. Otherwise, start offering suggestions for the 2014 RT/SRT/XRT Viper...

Mike Brunton

Oct 3, 2000
Reaction score
N. Andover, MA

Think on this...

(I happen to think Asian women are hot, so I'll use that).

Let's say you're dating an asian girl, and I meet her and later say to you "she seems nice, but I dunno man, how can you go out with an Asian chick?". you look at me and give me the "dude, I can't believe you just said that" look. At that point, I realize I have offended you, and most normal folks would try to cover for it right? How about if I said "what? Hey man, if you like her thats cool... I just can't understand why anyone would go out with her is all". And if every time we talked I said "Hey you still dating that funked up girl you were with?". After a while you'd be really upset... probably wouldn't take too long.

Now, here's the question... if I did all that, but kept saying "I'm not saying anything bad about ya man, just telling you how I feel" - would that make it allright? Of course not.

I have $$'s down on this car. I can respect that you don't like it, even that you might hate it - different strokes, and I respect your opinion. I can respect Big's, Chris, McGuire's, GTS Dean's, and anyone else's opinion, even if they HATE the car.

But when someone goes out of their way to do more than to express their dislike, to push beyond that to plain insulting, I can't respect that.

And when it comes right down to it, these folks have been asked politely by other members to back off... they didn't. They were asked by the moderators to back off.. they didn't. They were TOLD by the moderators to back off... they didn't. And now their posts get removed and they say "all whiners unite against the SRT!". That right there shows it's not about expressing dislike, it's about ragging on and slamming and just bashing a car to make themselves feel better.

Your opinion, I respect. Smokin's? He reminds me of a kid throwing a temper tantrum. At least Mark O is a good humorist and I can have some fun in takin shots back and forth with him - and I know overall he's a good guy and will accept the car, even if he does *** in his pants when the world "track" is mentioned. But the other guys who insist on whining? Sorry, no matter what I do, I just can't respect them or their viewpoints... not when they blatantly disregard subtle and not-so-subtle hints that they are really crossing the line.

Mike Brunton

Oct 3, 2000
Reaction score
N. Andover, MA
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MiamiJeff:

After a 2 year burst of excitement, sales may fall off a very, very steep cliff...and we've got significantly greater manufacturing capability for SRTs so, hey, this would be a bad business decision! Maybe we should re-style, re-tool, even keep the expensive hood. I'll bet with a great exterior and outstanding performance, we can even charge ten grand more to account for the hood and bring out a hot car in 2004 when there's no more luxury tax!


The flaw in your logic is that the sales of GTS Vipers started falling off in 2000... the car only came out in late '96 (to a VERY limited audience) - so if they are having problems selling them after only 4 model years, then thats a problem. It seems clear that there is not a very large market of folks willing to pay $80k for a car that looks and performs as the Viper does. That is a universal truth everyone MUST accept - the super aggressive Viper that everyone loves DID NOT SELL ALL THAT WELL!

We are all assuming that a LESS aggressive snake will sell even worse - I dont think that is the case. I think DC knows this car needs a lot of bite to back up it's toned-down bark, and that is what I expect them to deliver to me.

What makes anyone think a $10k more expensive Viper with better performance would sell well for several years when thats exactly what they did in '96 and sales were good for a few years, then fell off? This formula has been tried with good success, but not stellar success. The new formula is world-beating performance and a more toned down look. Who are we to say that IT WILL FAIL in the face of millions upon millions invested by DC saying that it will NOT fail, and backed up by market research that makes our impromptu surveys of GTS owners look like grade school?

The only thing we HAVE established is that the SRT is not very popular with GTS owners... and even that is questionable, since the certificates were snapped up in a few days, and as I understand, they were all used to buy the whole first year of SRT's.

The argument has no legs to stand on.


Oct 22, 2000
Reaction score
Miami, Florida, USA

I'd be fascinated to see the market research that was done.

Not to throw stones at DC, but Detroit has had some doozies either in sales, quality or safety (Chevy Vega/Pontiac Astre, Ford Pinto, AMC Pacer, to name just a few) presumably all happened with some degree of market research. Yes, I'll even 'fess up to owning a Gremlin as my first car...with the Levi's interior.

Seems like the Gen I & II Vipers have had a pretty long run in terms of "car years" and, that as far as the current platform will allow, had gotten pretty close to perfection...for the money anyway.

I certainly agree with you that the new Viper better have lots more performance to make up for its less aggressive looks.



Oct 22, 2000
Reaction score
Miami, Florida, USA
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mike Brunton:

The flaw in your logic is that the sales of GTS Vipers started falling off in 2000... the car only came out in late '96 (to a VERY limited audience) - so if they are having problems selling them after only 4 model years, then thats a problem. It seems clear that there is not a very large market of folks willing to pay $80k for a car that looks and performs as the Viper does. That is a universal truth everyone MUST accept - the super aggressive Viper that everyone loves DID NOT SELL ALL THAT WELL!


Mike, Even rather successful moderately priced new cars typically have a fall off of some degree after enough supply comes on the market. Isn't there a VW beetle turbo and convertible now and the same kind of thing happening with new PT Cruiser models to stimulate sales which were very strong initially but lagging somewhat today?

The total Viper sales volumes are approximately: 1,800 '97 models, there was a drop to 1200 of the '98 models, a rebound to 1450 of the '99 models, appropriately enough an even greater 40% increase in sales to 2000 of the 2000 models, and about 1950 of the '01. With the weak economy, increase in unemployment, the size of the dotcom bubble bust and stock market correction, I don't know if a drop of 2.5% off your best recent year is all that bad or even constitutes "problems" in selling a high-end model vehicle?

Mike Brunton

Oct 3, 2000
Reaction score
N. Andover, MA
Who is Lana Lane??? I've never heard of her... but you piqued my interest!

I used to date this girl who was Japanese, Chinese, and Malaysian. She had the best of each
. And I'll have to leave it at that


I hear ya... I would like to see the marketing surveys also. I am not saying we are definitely wrong, but I am just saying that we don't know enough to say we're right just yet about the car not being a sales success. I think we will know after the first 2 years... I dont know when the ordering system will open up for "everyone else", but when it does (might be next year), I expect the cars will sell out in a matter of days.... which means there will again be tons of folks who wanted them but couldn't get them, and those folks will spill over into the next year, and the next, etc.

I would draw a parallel to the C5. I know *tons* of C5 owners who never would have considered a Corvette before.. but the C5, being more refined, more understated, and less rough around the edges really appeals to alot more folk. Z06 sales haven't been stellar - you can get 'em for way below sticker, and it's only the 2nd model year (and the 1st sold out pretty quick), yet coupe and convertible sales seem to be Ok, even though the C5 is in it's 7th model year now. I know a ton of C4 owners who hated the C5, and swore never to own one. Now, the car is the clear definition of Corvette performance, not the C4, or C3, or C2, or C1. With the Viper, the GTS eclipsed the performance bencharks set by the GenI RT/10 - all we hear about is the GTS and the numbers it runs. The GenI ran with (and beat) the ZR-1's, but that was then. The same thing will happen with the SRT. The performance will eclipse the GTS's, and after a couple of years of no more GTS tests, no more GTS TV appearances, no more GTS pace cars, no more GTS advertisements, no more GTS in center stage, it will begin to fade from the limelight a bit. It will always be a rockin' car, but now it's time for the SRT to take the center stage and show us what IT has.

No observation, just flames...


Oct 22, 2000
Reaction score
Miami, Florida, USA
Part Chinese, part Dutch, Canada's best non-hockey asset is Kristin Kreuk, 19, "Lana" of the WB network's Smallville series (Superman as a high school kid) and co-starring in the remake of family flick Snow White.

Can't we all get along and agree she's a real beauty whether in an RT/10, GTS, or an SRT!!! Nice photo gallery at


King GTS

Nov 5, 2001
Reaction score
Houston, Tx.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>
Originally posted by MiamiJeff:

"Can't we all get along and agree she's a real beauty whether in an RT/10, GTS, or an SRT!!!"


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