SF Final 286
Viper Owner
Okay, Here is the story:
I bought a new FE GTS about a month ago. I then drove it for 900 miles and followed proper break in procedure. This past weekend I started to drive it a little more agressively, taking it up to 4500 rpm and testing out the abs. Did a little spirited driving in the mountains. Drove for 30 minutes then I noticed white smoke coming from the exaust whenever I drove off from a standstill. When cruising I didn't see any smoke. And it did not occure all the time. It happend maybe 7 out of 10 times I drove off from a standstill, like at a stop sign.
In addition, it when I slammed on the brakes from 60 mph, to test the abs, I would notice a chattering sound that lasted about 2 seconds that occured as I drove away from the stop. This is not under real hard acceleration, either. The chattering sound, sounded like a fan was rubbing on something or like a clutch chatter.
I noticed no performance change during all of this. But then again I was not totally going all out either. So by not pushing the car to it's limits, I may not have noticed any decrease in power. The breaks worked great. No problem in break performance.
These 2 things really worried me so I took the car home and brougt it into my garage. I shut it down and noticed a smokey odor like burnt plastic or something. I re stated the ignition and noticed white smoke again! So I shut it down and let it sit overnight.
The next day I re stated the ignition and noted a small amount of white smoke and alot of condesation from the tail pipe. Along with the water, there was black stuff in the water. The black watery stuff landed on the ground 2 feet away from the tail pipe. I let the car idle for about 5 min and then took it out. The drive was fine. No white smoke. No chatter after hard braking. The oil level was fine. The oil color was normal.
But there is now a new problem, The heater does not work! The fan just blows ambient temperature air. I drove about 60 miles yesterday and did not notice any other new problems.
What do you think I should do?
I definitely need to get the heater fixed but does this relate to the white smoke and condensation and black color water left on my garage floor? Does it all tie together?
Where should I take it for warranty work in the SF Bay Area?
Please help.
I bought a new FE GTS about a month ago. I then drove it for 900 miles and followed proper break in procedure. This past weekend I started to drive it a little more agressively, taking it up to 4500 rpm and testing out the abs. Did a little spirited driving in the mountains. Drove for 30 minutes then I noticed white smoke coming from the exaust whenever I drove off from a standstill. When cruising I didn't see any smoke. And it did not occure all the time. It happend maybe 7 out of 10 times I drove off from a standstill, like at a stop sign.
In addition, it when I slammed on the brakes from 60 mph, to test the abs, I would notice a chattering sound that lasted about 2 seconds that occured as I drove away from the stop. This is not under real hard acceleration, either. The chattering sound, sounded like a fan was rubbing on something or like a clutch chatter.
I noticed no performance change during all of this. But then again I was not totally going all out either. So by not pushing the car to it's limits, I may not have noticed any decrease in power. The breaks worked great. No problem in break performance.
These 2 things really worried me so I took the car home and brougt it into my garage. I shut it down and noticed a smokey odor like burnt plastic or something. I re stated the ignition and noticed white smoke again! So I shut it down and let it sit overnight.
The next day I re stated the ignition and noted a small amount of white smoke and alot of condesation from the tail pipe. Along with the water, there was black stuff in the water. The black watery stuff landed on the ground 2 feet away from the tail pipe. I let the car idle for about 5 min and then took it out. The drive was fine. No white smoke. No chatter after hard braking. The oil level was fine. The oil color was normal.
But there is now a new problem, The heater does not work! The fan just blows ambient temperature air. I drove about 60 miles yesterday and did not notice any other new problems.
What do you think I should do?
I definitely need to get the heater fixed but does this relate to the white smoke and condensation and black color water left on my garage floor? Does it all tie together?
Where should I take it for warranty work in the SF Bay Area?
Please help.