National HQ is usually notoriously slow in producing the new ID cards. One of the reasons for that delay is that they need to do them in batches. I wouldn't expect to see your new ID until February at the earliest.
I've got to agree with Steve above -- if you just joined the VCA (by phone or mail), contact your regional President ASAP and let him (or her) know your mailing address, email and phone numbers. He'll put you on the list, and you won't miss any events while you're waiting for your membership packet. If you join near the beginning of a month, your regional president won't receive notification until about the third week of the following month. (We're all hoping to reduce that lag this year.)
The same applies for purchasers of new Vipers (who get a free membership). Call your regional president immediately. Notification takes an even longer time in this circumstance.
(The following is not directed at any individual.)
The VCA represents a unified voice for Viper owners. The VCA provides this message board. All the VCA regions sponsor Viper events where members can get together, swap stories and tips, and in general have great fellowship. Even if you don't want to or can't attend VCA events and you don't give a rodent's rear end about "fellowship" with other Viper owners, you should consider supporting the VCA with your membership because its existence is a good thing for Viper owners.
It amazes me how often we've seen posts on this board lately about "what do I get for $100" and "I disagree with your moderating policies", etc. If you honestly believe you're getting nothing for your $100 membership, then I would like to challenge you to swear off visiting this board at all for a couple of months. If you want to have a Viper question answered or spout off about some theory of yours as to why supercharging is inferior to turbocharging, I'm sure you can find some other venue on the Internet to satisfy your appetite. After all, the VCA -- who provides this board -- doesn't do anything for you. You don't need the VCA, so, as a person of principle, you shouldn't need to use the forum the VCA makes available to its members. There are other auto forums on the Internet -- try them.
If you take my challenge and discover, probably after a few days, that you really can't stay away from this board, your "I get nothing from the VCA" argument has just gone down the toilet. You now have to admit that this board (again, provided by the VCA) is giving you a considerable amount of knowledge and certainly a lot of entertainment. The next time you have a question or problem about something related to your Viper, this message board will be the first place you go. When you decide to sell your Viper or some parts, I bet you'll get a friend who is a member to post your ad in the Classifieds on this board, so you don't have to pay anything. So the real reason you're not a member has nothing to do with not getting any benefits -- it's just that (and I'll try to put this delicately) you won't pay for something when you can get it for free. Just spare us the "I don't get anything for my membership" BS.
(Disclaimer: The opinion stated in this post is that of the author and should not be construed as an official opinion of the VCA.)