KAdelberg V SRoe wrap up


Oct 15, 2000
Reaction score
Monterey, Ca, USA
First let me aplogize for beginning a new thread but the site gave me a message the current Adelberg V Roe thread was locked.
Following is the post from Keith Verges on that thread, my question then Ken's response to Keith.

Keith Verges -Quote:
Is it just me or has no one stated what the exact problem with Ken's brakes was? (and yes I know the rears stayed locked, but I don't know why)
Was it a prop valve problem? Master cylinder problem? Adjustment or installation problem?
And yes, I know that pre'-01 Vipers have very heavy front bias (the '01 has about 5% bias switched to the rear). I have done the calculations and can tell you exactly what the bias numbers are. However, while that may affect performance by making one end lock first, I don't see it making one end stay locked up.
I'd really like to know what the problem was, exactly.
Wanna know my bet?
Someone did not adjust the actuating rod for the master cylinder/brake booster properly and so the master cylinder constantly blocked off the reservoir fluid port, causing the normal thermal expansion of brake fluid due to heat to lock the brakes.
Am I right?
If so, it was not a design problem. If not, what was it? I'd like to avoid similar problems.

Question from Gavin - Can an improperly adjusted actuator rod cause the type of rear lockup that Ken experienced. Is there someone out there with the technical know how to answer this question? PLEASE.

following is Ken's response
Keith, I would like to know the cause more than anybody. Problem is, the nearest conclusion I got was that the master/booster relationship is bad. Are they right? Who knows? Was the kit installed properly? An expert mechanic, Stop Tech and Sean Roe seemed to think so. Could it be bad parts? Of course. But Sean's solution of me having to buy more parts was inexcusable.
It seems like once Sean knew I took his kit off the car and bought another that he made up his mind that I wasn't gonna receive a penny. That's why he came on the board and made a "pre-emptive strike". Basically his comments in our last phone conversation. I find it selectively biased how he'll now only come on the board and give out driving pointers and other misc. info, but he won't acknowledge me or my problem anymore.
Again, I have no idea what the problem is with the defective kit. But this is what I DO know. I do know that I've tried and tried to get it to work; I've spent double the price of the kit trying to get it to work and I'm left with a kit that WILL lock up the rear brakes unexpectedly and not release them until the bleeder screws are cracked. I also know that I have not ever been offered any reasonable solution to get me out of this problem.

Gavins comment -Now the very first thing Ken tells us here is and I quote " I would like to know the cause more than anybody...... The nearest conclusion I got was the master/booster relationship is bad."
Further in his reply he says and I quote "I have no idea what the problem is with the defective kit"

Now this is starting to get under my skin a wee bit as after all the posts we still have no clue as to what caused the problem.

If there is a problem with the master/booster relationship - then lets not keep the problem a secret- specifically what is the problem!!!!!! Specific Technical answer required here!
I am not interested in finger pointing rhetoric - I am requesting answers to the specific questions stated herein.
Thank you for reading this.


Oct 31, 2000
Reaction score
Orange County, CA USA
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Gavin:

Now this is starting to get under my skin a wee bit as after all the posts we still have no clue as to what caused the problem.

If there is a problem with the master/booster relationship - then lets not keep the problem a secret- specifically what is the problem!!!!!! Specific Technical answer required here!
I am not interested in finger pointing rhetoric - I am requesting answers to the specific questions stated herein.
Thank you for reading this.


How do you not get this? He does NOT know what the problem is! This is what is known--when the brakes are hot and you step on them, the rears lock up. That's the effect. You can come up with the cause.

K Adelberg

Oct 30, 2000
Reaction score
Does this mean that after a week you are FINALLY saying that you want the parts back for something other than reselling them? If so, I say hallelujah! The parts are on the way. I noticed in your post you left out a fair amount of information, but in the interest of putting this behind me the parts are on the way.

One problem I take issue with is your assumption that if the parts are within spec that the kit was fine. That didn't stop me from skidding off the track on two different occasions. As for the installation, nothing was changed on the car...no new pedal assemblies, no monkeying with the master, booster, etc. The brake kit was installed exactly to your enclosed instructions, including the stack of washers used for proper brake booster spacing. The stock brakes went through many track events and it wasn't until I bolted this system on that the problems appeared.

As for the "smack talk" and innuendo--take a peek back and you'll see that there was just as much coming from your side (just not as good). If you hadn't ignored this problem for a week it would have never taken place to begin with. It was all in response to the Ernie Js of the board.

Either way, I'm glad you've finally decided to deal with my problem. Again, the parts are on the way and hopefully this will be put behind both of us.

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