Mopars at the Strip March 26-28, 2010


Oct 7, 2003
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Mopars at the Strip
Press Release

For Immediate Release
Date: 4 March 2010
Contact: Phil Painter
Phone: 702-256-8254

Thousands of Mopar Fans “Get their Motors Runn’n, to head out on the highway” to converge on The Las Vegas Motor Speedway to attend “The Wildest Mopar Party in the West” March 26-28th 2010.

(Las Vegas, NV) M means two things this time of year in Las Vegas. March Madness of course. And the second M is for Mopar Madness. That’s right it is March and the Automobile Enthusiasts are gearing up to enjoy the biggest Mopar event west of the Mississippi. Mopars at the Strip will roll into the Las Vegas Motor Speedway March 26-28th and do it Vegas Style.

Just announced today: the stars of the hit HISTORY channel television series, Pawn Stars, will attend the event with their ultra cool Chrysler Imperial. The Pawn Stars will be available all three days for photographs, autograph sessions, and fans will be able to purchase Pawn Stars merchandise at Mopars at The Strip.

New for 2010 Pony Car Wars which is a race class open to 07 and Newer Camaro vs Mustang vs Challenger. All power adders are legal. All contestants will run on a dial. The class is a celebration that after 38 years all three domestic manufacturers have a 2 door Hot Rod for sale to the public again.
The race will be part of the race program at the Mopars at the Strip event. Mopars at the Strip features the richest payout of any Mopar Event in the West. Nearly $40,000.00 will be paid out to the following classes. Viper, Sport Compact, All Truck, Slant Six, New Hemi Challenge, Street Class, Keisler Stick Class, TTi Nostalgia Super Stock Class, Indy Cylinder Head Quick 16, Hemi Super Stock and finally Pony Car Wars.

New for 2010 Added to this year’s event is an Autocross Competition sponsored by Keisler Engineering and Hotchkis Suspension.
Be on hand to enjoy three days of Car Show, Drag Racing, Swap Meet, Manufacturers Midway, Off Road Poker Run, Nightly entertainment at the Cannery Hotel and Casino.

Three prestige’s awards will be handed out during the car show event, One Stock and One Modified "Worlds Ultimate Mopar" award presented by Barrett-Jackson, and "The Lee Iacocca Award” presentation. Along with these awards the car show will feature the following categories, Judged, Popular Choice and a Fun Field hundreds of participants are expected again this year.

One lucky person will win a 67 Dodge Coronet during the annual event charity raffle to benefit, Southern Nevada Fire Fighters Burn Foundation, Lili Claire Foundation, and Speedway Children's Charities.

For more information or a schedule of events, visit Mopars At the Strip "The Wildest Mopar Party in the West" or 2010 Mopars at the Strip - Pony Car Wars or call 702-256-8254.

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