New Viper + New Owner = First Drive! (PART TWO)


Sep 30, 2002
Reaction score
Richardson, TX
<Cont. from Part One>

Steering is very fast in this car BUT very nicely weighted - feels wonderful! You don't sit as low as you might think and damned if you forget you're driving one of the most exotic looking machines on the planet when you're actually in the car. You're almost lulled into a false sense of civil placement - it's only when you exit the car and look at it again that you realize what all the fuss was about. Kinda like driving just another "normal car" but with a hot naked blonde firmly straddling the roof unbeknownst to you. (my apologize to any hot naked blondes who practice such antics...)

Hard to sum up the car after one drive - especially when you consider you're tapping so little of it's potential. Handling for the street is superb. Steering feels spot on and is weighted nicely. The brakes did squeak (well, screamed) but it's to be expected with that caliber pad - the M Coupe also squeaked HORROUNDESLY for nearly 4 months before they finally settled down and accepted their lot in life. Lugging the engine a tad and stopping slowly will net you the full on soundtrack of a UPS truck in action (I've discovered with the guttural engine note and shrill scream of the brakes it sure does sound like one).

"ZR1 mated with the Coupe" That's my early assessment of the two other cars I'm most intimate with. The Viper is nimble like the Coupe (the ZR1 feels very overweight and sloppy -was that out loud?- compared to the Viper but make no mistake - the ZR1 is a potent little gal that also requires a firm hand and must also be pointed straight at all times). But for being a relatively large 2-seater, the Viper dances QUITE well - feels much more nimble than you'd expect but I can feel a relatively padded buffer in the car - she is not darty like the Coupe. The Coupe requires your attention at ALL TIMES. She will bite you if she does not have your undivided attention from the time you twist the key to the time you set the parking brake.

I often relate the Coupe Vs. ZR1 like so : both are surgical instruments. The M Coupe is a razor sharp scalpel. The ZR1 is a butcher knife. They both get the job done in very different ways. The Viper is shaping up to be every inch a chainsaw I do believe...

Viper : easy clutch...matter of fact, when pussyfooting around the Viper is one of the easiest cars I own to drive. Matter of fact, the 325Ci is more of a chore to pedal about if you can believe that!

We come to a 4 way stop on the way home. Another car (crossing our route) stops at the sign a full 15 seconds before we even arrive. Sure enough, he's spotted the Viper a'comin' and his eyes are very slowly starting to spin into black and white pinwheels...I flash my brights to let him know that he truly did arrive there first and will in now way offend me by making his move.

He stays put. He wants to watch the Snake slither past. We oblige and I chuckle to myself as we look in the rearview to see him sitting at the light watching us drive away...seemingly oblivious to the fact that he can leave at any time.

Sneak into the neighborhood, idle into the garage and switch her off....breath deep the smells that only a new car being broken in can bless you with. My wife rushes inside to avoid those smells. I bask in them as I sit and stare at this exotic piece of craftsmanship. I can't quite get over the fact that it's sitting there right in front of me. Pinging and popping from her first light workout...I shake my head in disbelief.

I have a tendency to refer to my "girls" by personas - the Coupe is a feisty little Italian girl that wants to go all the time. Kinda of yappy - also kinda like that little hyper dog in the kibbles and bits commercials a few years back...eager ALWAYS. An overgrown go-kart, but not by much (that is, it really handles and scoots like a kart!). Still the most direct driving experience I've ever had to date PERIOD. If you want to experience completely unfiltered and crystal clear feedback at all times, the Coupe is just the car for the job.

The ZRI is Kong. Pure and simple. The ZR1 accelerates harder and faster above 100mph than below. You will hit 83mph at the very peak of 2nd gear (I imagine the Viper will too). You will hit 140 on any stretch of straight road you pull the trigger on before you can blink. That car pulls Kong. You feel like you will run out of road before you run out of power (or talent). Handles nicely - you can tickle the back end out just how you like to with a quick stab of throttle but the ZR1 is all about pure grunt and it feels GOOD. And sounds good doing it too and honestly the ZR1 is a real sleeper these days. I never get a second glance in her.

The Viper is a **** star - she's Jenna Jameson. I can't think of any other way to describe her. Not yet anyhow.
Break in won't come soon enough for me to find out what else I can refer to her by...perhaps then she'll be more like the F16 I envision...

Tonight’s little drive was essentially a repeat of last night - except that we had a few stragglers follow us around tonight. I don't mind the looks (kinda cool to feel like a celebrity now and then I guess!) nor the attention but what I do mind is the guy who flips around and stays right on your *** as he ogle the car (or tries to get you to bury your foot). I just don't want to be cramped like that - nor followed to my house - I can't predict his or her actions and that kinda bothers me. Break in will be nice because you can decide who you want looking and who you don't all with a flex of the right foot!

Sorry this got so long here - I imagine there's a few folks that don't yet own Vipers who want to hear what it's like to drive one of these things on the street so I thought I'd share. Tomorrow will be the big test - first drive in the daylight on busy streets. Now THAT'S going to be an interesting experiment in social interaction!

I imagine it's much like what everyone else has already gone through here - "Instant Rock Star - Just Add Viper!"


Sep 24, 2001
Reaction score
windsor, ontario, canada
I'll be the first to reply, sounds like your having a blast!

Too bad mine is tucked away for the winter, reading your thread doesn't help the winter wait any!

take care,


Sep 18, 2001
Reaction score
Manhattan, USA
Welcome aboard 6!

Had that same experience 14 months ago...and loved it. I had 11 miles and 20 minutes in a Viper before I bought mine

Had a similar experience (once again) a month ago with the Roe SC. Perhaps you'll do the same!

Been a bit nasty here in NYC. The car's been sleeping for 2 weeks. After reading your narrative....let's see...45 and partly cloudy today...Guess it's time to charge the battery....hehhehheh


Oct 16, 2000
Reaction score
Plano, Texas USA
Nexus-6 You've been bitten, sorry there's no cure.

I live close by ( Plano ) so give me a hollar sometime and we
can get together a cruise. One of my favorite cruise's is down
Greenville around 10:30pm on a Saturday night. Its funny watching people get all over themselves in the open air cafe's as you drive by. You missed the Viper Club meeting last night... but there is a meeting each month. On good meetings we have around 40 vipers show up. All good people too :)

When you get your car broken in you'l want to make some changes/mods You've got lots of help around here. Many knowledgeable folks. As for your sqeeky brakes... change the pads out, now is a perfect time. Very easy and the EBC Brake guys live here in Plano so you can get the pads any time you want. They don't make noise and very little dust. Plus you can put the stock pads in a bag and save them for what ever reason.

Most people in North Dallas are Viper friendly, they even move over to another lane for me most of the time. Don't leave your
car without locking it. I have seen many times where people will
get into your car... wild. And lots and lots of gawkers...
I finally blackend out the windows on mine and for one its much
cooler in the summer and no one can see into the car.


Dec 5, 2001
Reaction score
Jacksonville Florida
The Camaro SS........ an old "has been" trying to make one last come back before the curtain closes for good!

Just kidding..... that's my mean Ford side coming out?


Sep 30, 2002
Reaction score
Richardson, TX
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by malcoll:
The Camaro SS........ an old "has been" trying to make one last come back before the curtain closes for good!

Just kidding..... that's my mean Ford side coming out?


LOL! Hehe...yeah, my wife kept telling me that the SS would become redundant with the ZR1 and Viper but the SS is still my loud car. Not fastest by any means but she's a lot of fun to play with too. They all provide something just a little different so I'll keep her around a bit longer.


Sep 30, 2002
Reaction score
Richardson, TX
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by George Murray:
If the Viper's like Jenna Jameson, which car is like Anna Nicole?


Depends! Are we talking early Anna or recent Anna?


Sep 30, 2002
Reaction score
Richardson, TX
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Dixter:
Nexus-6 You've been bitten, sorry there's no cure.

I live close by ( Plano ) so give me a hollar sometime and we
can get together a cruise.


Will do! Sounds like a lot of fun! Although I honestly don't head down that way much...but the thought did cross my mind the other night...I kinda wondered what that would be like.

I'll be sure to make plans for the next get together - where abouts do ya'll meet usually?

BTW, can you recommend a shop you trust for state inspection? Being a brand new car out of state I have to get the damned inspection done before I can register the car.
If I didn't need that clean bill of health I'd never even bother as (from what I'm told) it's not a moving violation and I'd gladly pay a fine if bothered later on than risk scuffing the fascia (or worse) with an inspection. But I really don't know if there are other more serious ramifications if you don't get the thing inspected...all prolly worth risking I imagine.

And yup I've noticed that people do move over to let you by in traffic - I really like that part! Very respectful - everyone has been very cool so far...just got back from the first daylight drive and the experience was much like the night drives just more attention. All friendly though.

Funniest thing so far - this happens rarely in the other cars but in the Viper, SEVERAL other sports cars would start to come to a stop next to me at a stoplight then quickly duck in behind me - even to the point of blocking the lane they just vacated at one point! Crazy! Even with stickers in the window screaming "I'm easy bait! I'm breaking her in gently!" they still don't want to even invite the chance I guess...heh....


Oct 16, 2000
Reaction score
Plano, Texas USA
Mckinney Dodge can do the inspect for you... Lewisville has a
good Viper Tech as does the Grand Prairie Dodge dealer.
I take mine to Grand Prairie so far. I think the Grand Prairie
store has two FE's... at least they did last time I was there.

Here's the web site for the Viper club.....

Just got back from cruising as its nice/sunny and around 70 degrees... went down to Greenville... many many nice cars and
of course the show bikes were out in force too.

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