New Viper news from Automobile magazine...


Feb 13, 2010
Reaction score
Chattanooga, TN
Sorry if this is a re-post, but I just got my new issue out of the mailbox today. They had a Q&A with Ralph Gilles and he said a couple of good things.
When asked about possible expansion of the SRT portfolio, part of his response was "...we'll have the Viper again next year".
The best response was after they asked specifically about the Viper. He said, "It's coming...I think we have to be careful not lose its raw essence. It needs to be a vehicle that rewards a good driver, but also needs to be simple. Our owners have told us not to turn it into a techno-machine, and we're very conscious about that."

Chuck 98 RT/10

Oct 15, 2000
Reaction score
tampa, fl USA
It's been all over the net, but repost no worry.

It's great the Ralph feels that way but short of Dodge telling the government "FU" (and I really wish they would) their hands are really tied to whatever the government lets them build. If there was ever a time for auto manufacturers to tell the government "enoughs enough" the time is now. The sports car market is a nitch market, let 'em build what they want for that market. Just imagine if Dodge told Obama "FU, we're building what we want and what true sports car enthusiasts want." and if Ford told Obama "FU, we're bringing back the FGT and we're not gonna modify it to pass any more oppressive safety tests." and if GM told them...well, GM would wait to see what happens with Dodge and Ford and then they'd jump on whatever bandwagon is passing by. GM doesn't have any balls.