Re: Newcomer.........GTS mod\'s and ????
Hey, your on the right track for only a month of lurking, talking the lingo like the veterans, which after 18 months not sure I qualify, regardless:
While gears are universally known as a huge SOTP (seat of the pants) improvement, so far no one has offered any documented gain in 1/4 mile times.
The theory goes beyond scope of a post, but do a search on gears and you'll find lots of goodies. Bottom line as you bang into the next gear with numerically higher rear gears (lower gear), your "torque multiplication factor" drops when the the actual engaged gear ratio comes into play. Since each gear has a shorter run (top end MPH per gear) you spend less time in higher torque factors when compared to the stock gear.
But what does it all mean Basil (credit Austin Powers):
Hopefully Motor City Madman will chime in, we have raced dozens of times, my car with 3.07s, his with I think 3.54 at least, and then several more races with him back to stock 3.07. We are neck each and every time, on the street on the track, no matter what the gear. The only sensation different with his high gear was us leap frogging a fender here and there on the gear bangs occurring at obviously different times. Keep in mind this is maybe what Sean, 30 drag runs against each other?, as well as dozens of roll ons getting to the track, and sometimes my local police force puts out APBs on the both of us. I like my Viper.
Also keep in mind if you ever get serious with the car power wise (any power adder/heads&cam), the gear may have to go back to stock as you would outrun the higher rear gear.
That's my take on it, and I certainly welcome anyone elses opinion. Furthermore attempting to lay down 450 horse to the tires is always tricky with stock gears in first, and often on the 1-2 shift depending on surface. Adding gear only compounds the situation in my book. I'll let any car stick with me for 20 feet at a 1200 feather out, after that I'm on my game.
As for exhaust, listen to different packages if at all possible, in person. Forget the internet other than generalizations, too many unknowns at the record time, ie was the mic shoved up the tailpipe enema style, 10 feet away, from the side, cockpit??
My system is newer style headers (1998.5+, Jethot coated, Roe Oval cats, and a deleted rear muffler), this is all going on this winter so I can hopefully put a fender or 2 on the Motormodman next year. Until he gets the Roe S/C then I is screwed!
Another tidbit about your year of car, try and hear your year only for exhaust comparos. Your pistons are the same as 96-99, but your cam is a murky quasicreampuff, somewhere between the "cammed" 96-98, and the post 2000+ cast bunch.
take care, this post is long, I've got issues.