Owners of Sean Roe Superchargers Please Read!



I found out that people are contacting me about their problems with detonation with the Roe Supercharger and not contacting Sean Roe.

Please contact Sean if you have detonation problems or any other problem with the Roe Supercharger. We lucky people of the first group of Roe Superchargers are getting a big discount to help Sean work out any problems - but you need to contact him about any problems about this great supercharger system so he can improve installation instructions or get a better handle under what conditions any less than perfect performance occurs so he can find a permanent cure. This is a breakthrough system and is very close to perfect, but to have it be perfect you must contact Sean with any comments or ideas for improvements or discovered problems that you might have.


Sep 22, 2001
Reaction score
pleasanton,ca 94566
Kenny I agree that sc owners should be talking to Sean since it his his blower. But keep in mind some of the solutions to teething problems of the new kit may come from an exchange of ideas from the owners. Several minds often can figure out things better than 1.

There is also nothing worse than feeling like you the only one with a problem. Knowing others are experiencing it means others are working for a solution too.

The bottom line is Sean knows more about the kit than any of us, but there are some pretty knowlegable people out there that might help if there is an exchange of info.

Also keep in mind you kind of invited all the questions about the problems since you made so many posts about the ones you had several times. (posts on assembly, pics, driving experiences, ets) I'm not trying to flame you, just keep in mind that you kept posting your problems and steps for solutions, (more so than anyone else I think) so you kind of made yourself the one to watch and ask.

Once again I want to say that Sean has been absolutely phenominal in his dedication to making sure all the sc owners are happy. He has spent many hours talking to me evenings, weekends etc. He is a pioneer in that no one else came out with the DIY SC kit, so he is also experiencing things no one could have forseen. It's easy for someone else to say "well this should have been checked and solved beforehand" in hindsight.

I honestly believe the extra time and money Sean is spending on perfecting the engine mngmnt in Sweden with autorotor will solve all the problems and make a lot of SC people happy. I also see a lot of potential for the engine mngmnt for N/A motors too. I think the stock PCM leaves a lot to be desired.

A lot of people are forgeting that vipers aren't mass produced by the hundreds of thousands and there is not a lot of tuning/performance items out there. Plus Vipers are showing a lot of variences (from being hand built more?) it seems from car to car, so tuning for one car may be different for another car soomewhere else.


varanus -

I absolutely agree with you. This is a marvelous product and is first class in fit and finish in every way. Even when FedEx dropped the box, the dent in the air intake tube was easy to fix ourselves with no damage to the fit or finish. I saw where other people with close to the same mods as me had no problems, so I had Sean send me the supercharger before he had the MSD boost retard box. I had problems with detonation, which surprised me, but I also discovered that by disconnecting the plug in power wiring modules to the PCM for 45 minutes that 70% of the detonation went away as my PCM started from scratch on learning how to drive my Viper again.

What little driving I've done has convinced me that this Roe Supercharger is absolutely better than what I was expecting and when the detonation is removed it will be perfection of the Viper.