K need info/help driver seat was easy to remove and i know the passenger seat comes out the same but the space to get to the back bolts is way way to small to get any tools in.Is it my seat or are these always hard to remove.
Thanks Shane
My passenger seat only moves up to my Roe fire extinguisher but that leaves lots of room to get at the rear bolts.
I'm thinking that your seat doesn't move forward enough? Maybe the wire (for the slide adjustment) side to side connector under the seat isn't connected tight enough?
OK, if your seats are like mine (1996 RT/10), they will only slide forward about 1.5 to 2 inches. This was not acceptable to my wife, so I cut off the tabs that stop the forward motion. Look under the seat, from the front, and you will see the "stop" tabs on both rails (left and right). Cut the tabs off, not easy with a hack saw, so perhaps a power tool. You will now have 4 inches of forward motion,
AND NO the seat will not slide off the rail.
Not that it is necessary, but you can now get you full arm behind the seat.