Sam Goldfarb
I am pretty upset about the whole situation regarding the Ram SRT-10 trucks. I ordered a red one from a local Spitzer Dodge store last October, didn't even enter the VCA raffle, since I thought I had a commitment to Spitzer, only to find out 4 months later that they were not even allowed to get one. I bought two VCA raffle tickets for a blue one and left all the chances for the other 49 to everyone else. Quite frankly, had I won either the VCA raffle or a chance to buy a blue one, I would have sold one of the two ( Blue or the promised Red one). The Dodge dealer also decided that since there was a lot of profit to be made that the "deal" I thought I was getting was off and if by chance they could get their hands on one, they wanted several thousand over MSRP. I have been a VCA member since 98 and the club secretary for the last 4 years. I "donate" 200+ hours a year, haul my motorhome to club functions, as a home base, and spend a lot of cash to participate in all the "fun"!
It was nice of Dodge to do the VCA Ram-SRT-10 thing, but never forget, Dodge and especially it's dealers are here to make money!! I think anyone that buys anything has the right to do what they want with it. The ******* by Spitzer and the way that Dodge "allocates" their products *****! If Dodge wanted to do the right thing, they should have offered all VCA members a program to get a truck similar to the way the SRT-10 was offered. I ordered an SRT-10 Viper and also had another Ohio club member run his through my "loyal" Spitzer Dodge dealer, not to mention the other many vehicles I have purchased through them.
Spitzer's new attitude is now, "Why should we sell you a truck for less than we can sell it to someone else?" My thoughts at this time are " Why should I donate so much time and money to VCA, when I am really just supporting Dodge's efforts to support their chosen dealers!" You also need to check and see if any Dodge dealer you are working with has the juice to get anything from Dodge before you order!! At the very least someone in VCA or Dodge should publish a list of dealers where we can get some SERVICE! I have read many horror stories about the botched recalls and it is obvious that many of these Dodge dealers shouldn't be selling/servicing Vipers.
If this is too negative of a comment for the VCA and Dodge to read I am sorry to burst your bubbles. If I owned a company that had a lot of orders, I would hire more people to make what the customer wanted or stop building a bunch of vehicles that I had to discount and offer thousands of dollars off in rebates to give the market what it wanted. But what would I know. I have 17 vehicles already and those new Corvettes ( I already have a silver one and a blue one, red would look good between them!) are about the same price as a Ram SRT-10!
Sam Goldfarb
Ohio VCA Secretary
It was nice of Dodge to do the VCA Ram-SRT-10 thing, but never forget, Dodge and especially it's dealers are here to make money!! I think anyone that buys anything has the right to do what they want with it. The ******* by Spitzer and the way that Dodge "allocates" their products *****! If Dodge wanted to do the right thing, they should have offered all VCA members a program to get a truck similar to the way the SRT-10 was offered. I ordered an SRT-10 Viper and also had another Ohio club member run his through my "loyal" Spitzer Dodge dealer, not to mention the other many vehicles I have purchased through them.
Spitzer's new attitude is now, "Why should we sell you a truck for less than we can sell it to someone else?" My thoughts at this time are " Why should I donate so much time and money to VCA, when I am really just supporting Dodge's efforts to support their chosen dealers!" You also need to check and see if any Dodge dealer you are working with has the juice to get anything from Dodge before you order!! At the very least someone in VCA or Dodge should publish a list of dealers where we can get some SERVICE! I have read many horror stories about the botched recalls and it is obvious that many of these Dodge dealers shouldn't be selling/servicing Vipers.
If this is too negative of a comment for the VCA and Dodge to read I am sorry to burst your bubbles. If I owned a company that had a lot of orders, I would hire more people to make what the customer wanted or stop building a bunch of vehicles that I had to discount and offer thousands of dollars off in rebates to give the market what it wanted. But what would I know. I have 17 vehicles already and those new Corvettes ( I already have a silver one and a blue one, red would look good between them!) are about the same price as a Ram SRT-10!
Sam Goldfarb
Ohio VCA Secretary