Hey Ron, don't listen to that MtHamACR guy - he has been spending a lot of time with a particulat lamb and it has addled his brain - "Mad Sheep Disease" I think they call it!!
Anyway - business. Coming out of turn five stomp on it for about 50 ft, drop it into 4th (keep revs at or about 3,000-3,500) stay hard left of track.
Here is the factor that can hurt you the most - air density - so remember to bring you air density meter - er.... just kidding. If its foggy you will bust sound. If it is a bright clear sunny day you can push the limit.
Now, depending on the run group, you get more than one chance, for example, Green Flag and NorCal Shelby - black flag you as soon as you bust the meter, you have to come in and wink, wink, "make a change to the car" (drive through the paddock )
2nd flag, they tell you one more and you are on the trailer.
Ted May helped me out with some sound suppressor gizmos that if the climate is co-operative (hot and sunny and no humidity) I can go flat past the sound booth - note, I have managed that only one day of the several times I have run the track.
That last P****E picture are a set of SuperTraps - local machine shop can help out there, maybe the local Speed Shop - you guys got a lot of them down that way.