The only problem is that..I'm too busy to drive
! So I've only been able to drive the 55 miles back home from Chuck's, and the last 20 miles of that ride was mostly bumper to bumper traffic. So, the following is based solely on a 2 hour traffic riddled test drive.
For anyone who is interested....(and does already have a SC'd Viper)
When I picked up the car it was washed and vacuumed
( I hate cleaning the floor mats) and Chuck had this sublime grin on his face the whole time we were going over the car. It had been "away" for 10 days (not really a big deal..but it SEEMED like a year). The timing was ******** by 3 degrees (only 1 was apparently needed but Chuck and I wanted to "leave room" for bad gas, etc.). So I drive off with Chuck's suggestion that I will have to re-learn the car. The first 5 miles is a typical 2 lane country road (45 mph). Now, mind you, I am generally a "girly-man" (no flames intended to any of the Board's women) street driver...well most of the time. So my typical casual driving rpm is probably 1,500 to 2,500. Anyway, I'm cruising along taking it easy since both the tires and the weather are cold. First traffic light stops me and a Jag XK pull up behind me. So when the light changes I hit the gas A LITTLE .... well, 20 feet of rubber later I'm looking in the rear view with an apologetic look on my face and I can barely see the Jag 200 feet back. OK, so now I'm a little scared and thrilled. I start repeating to myself "damm you Chuck you crafty sob"
. Down the road I turn left at a light onto rte 684 which is a 6 lane highway (55 mph) and I'm thinking...the car is straight, the tires are warm the entry lane here is a good 1/3 mile long....let's see...
Patch in first, shift at 3,000 and patch in second (pedal is 2/3's of the way down) shift at 3,000 and patch in third and I notice that the cars that turned with me at the last light are gone....and the sides of my mouth are drooling into my ears. WOW...this car is scary fast. Scary that I have to remember to breathe..."damm you Chuck you crafty sob".
The only problem is that..I'm too busy to drive

For anyone who is interested....(and does already have a SC'd Viper)
When I picked up the car it was washed and vacuumed

Patch in first, shift at 3,000 and patch in second (pedal is 2/3's of the way down) shift at 3,000 and patch in third and I notice that the cars that turned with me at the last light are gone....and the sides of my mouth are drooling into my ears. WOW...this car is scary fast. Scary that I have to remember to breathe..."damm you Chuck you crafty sob".