stand up guy. Thank you for taking care of my problem right away and not hesistating for a moment to rectify the situation.
You have already earned my business, and I will continue to recommend you to everybody I come in contact with that needs "the fast stuff" for their Vipers. Again, thank you for all you do for us Viper owners. Your after the sales customer service is very refreshing.
BTW, Larry Macedo did a great job on my car. SC and T&Ds etc.
Car runs like a beast and now sounds even more ferocius than before. Will show it off at a car show this weekend.
Thank you!!!!!!!!
You have already earned my business, and I will continue to recommend you to everybody I come in contact with that needs "the fast stuff" for their Vipers. Again, thank you for all you do for us Viper owners. Your after the sales customer service is very refreshing.
BTW, Larry Macedo did a great job on my car. SC and T&Ds etc.
Car runs like a beast and now sounds even more ferocius than before. Will show it off at a car show this weekend.
Thank you!!!!!!!!