Re: Selling our \'00 RT
/ Our Viper experience
Layne & Liem,
I have really enjoyed your 98 rt. As you know, Cathy and I had to play that trick on you at the motel when you walked outside to see your old Viper sitting in the parking lot hundreds of miles from where you traded it in, and were you surprised. Well, I want to thank you for all the advise and helpful things you gave me on the car. Cathy and I really enjoyed seeing you and Liem at VOI.6 and hanging with you guys. I remember selling my old Viper thinking the same thing...We really needed to pay off some bills, save for retirement, etc. but 4 months later, I realized I had become a Viper addict and was in a bad mood for the whole 4 months until my wife begged me to buy yours so I would get out of my crappy mood. I hope you dont go through that phase? If you are like most people, practical, we all know the Viper is not practical. My philosophy is: you cant take it with you when you go...have you ever seen a U-haul behind a hurst? He He He. But ya gotta do what ya gotta do. Tell Liem good luck with finishing school. Maybe you should go ahead and put in a 2 year pre-down payment on the Gen 3 and by then you may have settled some issues...he he he
Seriously, we wish you the best and sign on sometimes and let us all know how you guys are doing. Good luck...
Wayne and Cathy Byrom in San Antonio, Tx.